Sunday, December 23, 2007

How Long Does Acl Last

Merry Christmas

I have to disappoint you. Currently there are not many interesting images.

Most of the pictures that I found in the blog could set the images with power and water lines.

In any event, it is already mounted the gutter.

The meter box is already installed and has site electricity. So we could in the house already working with light from the lamps. (If we had versions :-)

So we were yesterday at the hardware store and wanted to get light fittings. 3 items for 7.13 €!! The us was too expensive. So the question is: Where there are alternatives? On the Internet we found it. 1 lamp holder for 1.15 euros. Although there are still shipping to come, we are in the amount of frames that we want to install a provisional basis, favorable turn.

the way: Thanks for the comments. We are pleased that you like our house. It is really as we have imagined.

The next steps: first

Another interior design through the construction crew. (Everyone was very nice. If we had questions, very patient and gave us tips and hints for the future of life in manufactured homes (hanging pictures, cabinets, etc).)

second Connection by the utility in the 3rd Kw (if the weather cooperates, ie should not be cold and not raining)

third Plumbing and Heating 2 / 3 Kw

4. Estrich 3./4. Kw

und wenn das Wetter mitspielt und der Estrich schnell trocknet können wir im April umziehen :-)

Wir wünschen Euch Allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gutes Neues Jahr
(... und drückt uns weiter die Daumen!)

Rita und Jürgen

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Old Game Called Bow And Arrow

The house is here! (2nd day)

Heute ist der 18.12.2007. Das Dach ist jetzt drauf.

Wir waren wieder auf der Baustelle. Die Solaranlage ist schon auf dem Dach. Die Ziegel auch!

Der Keller scheint tatsächlich dicht zu sein. Es ist kein Wasser rausgelaufen. Dieses haben wir in ca. 40 Eimern aus dem Keller herausgetragen. Unsere 2. Aktion auf der Baustelle.

The images we own as a slideshow.
House Day 2

... and especially for Elmar:

Monday, December 17, 2007

Allusions In Romeo And Juliet Dian

The house is here! (Day 1)

Today is 17.12.2007. The house has come.

Yesterday we were still in the snow in the Black Forest this morning and are driven 300 km to track our construction. Already at 06:00 clock in the morning the puzzle to 3 Truck + trailer has arrived. Because we could be only around 11:00 clock on the site, on our arrival, the ground floor walls had already been asked.

The images we own as a slideshow.


Sunday, December 9, 2007

Replacement Spyderco Clip

The basement is because

This week has been set up the basement. Thanks to the Keller farm.

We then had dinner yet a conversation with the supervisor. He said that we should cover the basement, so there is no water in the basement when the house is.
means for us: From the hardware store.
We then have a ladder, rubber boots, Buckets, tarps and gloves purchased.

Any rain is now considered by us as the enemy!!
This water is not in our basement!
Since we have a white tank, no water is running out!

On Saturday we took sheets, rubber boots and head (and kinship support from Dusseldorf (Thanks!)) Moved to the site and wanted to cover the full basement.

After a few difficulties, we have decided to just cover up the holes.

It's a great feeling to stand in his own basement :-))

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Cost To Install Travertine Tile Dallas Tx


In order to enjoy certain atmosphere, a fireplace may not be missing. We have deliberately providers such as Hark and Kago, because the reviews were bad and the internet rather close to a sale as a service let.

We now have received offers from 2 Fireplace farmers. We will probably decide for Jospa because we liked the concept best.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Mammals Higher Respiration Rate Than Reptiles

Keller plate

The Keller plate was poured this week.

As you can see again a little water in the pit. It has rained so much this week as well.
But the amount of water in the excavation is kept within limits. We had worse expected.

The supports for the garage are already prepared.

... and who is the man in the red jacket, which appears occasionally in the pictures?

The client :-))

.. by the way: On Wednesday comes the basement!

(Today it's stormy. Now it's time to cross your fingers that the wind dies down to Wednesday.)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trader Joe,celtic Sea Salt

Current image before marking out the trench excavation

morning on Monday, 26/11/2007 is the marking out of the bottom plate of the cellar.

Now we have a screen where you can see something.

A tripod is on the evening photos are very helpful.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

How To Customize Bmx Bike Online

Now a digger in the hole.
The picture I made very early in the morning. But it really is a digger in our excavation.

After talking with some people (all very nice and very helpful !!!!) it looks like this:

week 48 and week 49, the cellar situated 50 KW
the excavation
and filled in the
week 51 is the house :-))

(if all goes well)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Birthday Facebook Event Names


How To Correct Conginital Ptosis Without Surgery


The sampling is now behind us. Outlets, light switches and all others have now found their place! Eventually the house will cost us now 1500 EUR more. One must, however, the discount of 3%, Remove plus EUR 2000 for the kitchen voucher.

The additional costs amount to EUR 10,000 which represents 4% of total costs.

completion of the basement is planned for the 4 week and for the house in the 8 KW.

Now we have hardly started to plan the interior.

Jeff Hardy's Ed Hardy Coat


The excavation took place.

We have seen only today evening (hence the dark images). We were not quite prepared and had no camera with me, not once but for pictures with the phone in the dark bad ;-) And

are relieved totally. It is a little damp, but hardly any water.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kiss My Face Peaches And Cream Review

Oh God, we have a hole in the plot!

We knew that the construction area is rich in water. From 1m top floor is ground water. That was us with the purchase of the property known. Now we have pictures of it.

Now we hope that can take place on Monday won the excavated earth and not our schedule is bursting.

still are the dates.

So we have one request: Read All these lines: Keep your fingers crossed that in the 50th KW may our house!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Clothing Store Manager Resumes

... something new

This information is primarily useful when the impatient friends and family members who have complained about the lack of timeliness :-))

Here is a picture of our Terrain (August 2007)

Ach ja.. es gibt etwas Neues!

Der Server für das neue Haus ist da!

Linux funktioniert, TV-Karte funktioniert auch, Videorekorder kommt erst nach der Kontrolle der Ausführungspläne dran.


... die Ausführungspläne sind da.

Wir müssen jede Steckdose kontrollieren. Da die Pläne erst mal per email gekommen sind, und anstatt A0 nur auf A4 ausgedruckt werden können, ist dies nur am Bildschirm mit entsprechendem Zoom möglich. Leider stimmt nicht everything. So more email. The good thing: Because we have received the plans via email, we can react even more.

Upcoming events:

The Grobabsteckung is next Monday / Tuesday.

Yard appointment on Tuesday afternoon. A provider will be there (Juchu!) and the necessary applications for electricity, the beds and other connections are made.
The static has also been charged extra again. This will give us also again charged extra. But yes anywhere in Hesse is a little more inside. Work on public holidays (see All Saints) and extra Applications and detection agents. (One must simply laugh away)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Disney Princess Light Up Bed

It goes on ...

We now have an answer to the planning application. If no veto is, we can begin mid-November with the basement. The house is in mid December.

Now an organized job site Date:

- Kellerbauer
- Garage Bauer
- surveyor
- Provider

.. Let's see if it works out.

Monday, October 15, 2007

How To Make An Edible Animalcell Project

Das Projekt nimmt Gestalt an!

According to the architect and date of signature of the protocol, we have long pondered how the house will eventually look like. We have changed many details, so that was the model house with reality to do what hardly any.

was the end, the joy arrive in size than the exterior designs. The changes with the architect including Lord Greese his ideas were carried out were optimal. We've added the confirmation of only a bathroom window in the front area around the symmetry to account. Since the window is near the bathtub, remains to be ascertained whether the work that way.

If the last window has been considered the planning application goes to the Building Department!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Clean Sonicare With Bleach

planning application made and the house sampling


We have submitted the planning application!
Since we have kept to the development plan, we hope that the release is quick.

... the house and we have sampled.
That was hard work. It was all set. Number of outlets, where they get there. What we do with the network. What is the shower. What fittings, etc., etc.

... and new costs. In Hesse
needed proof officer.

... and if all goes well in week 50 Our house is situated.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Speed Of Div 1 Softball Pitchers

Architektentermin vereinbart

Am 23.08. We have our architects appointment in Frankenberg / Eder. It goes on. We now have

also requests the soil report. Costs EUR 460 + VAT. Through tough negotiations, we have thus saved EUR 200th

Dasgleiche applies to the measurements. To extract from the real estate map, rough and marking out we will pay EUR 950, - + VAT .. This tip came from the architect Mr Greese. That has again at least EUR 300, - saved.

Monday, August 6, 2007

How To Hire An Adult Film Actress

architects call

We now had the architects call. We have defined how the house and the garage will be built on the property.
Because of water conditions, we decided that the basement about 1 m from the ground will be visible out.
We hope that we shall have no problems with water.

The plot is now ours! We have received the bill for the transfer.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Blogger Hide Post On Mainpage

beginning of the diary

Dear Egelsbach home builder,

we, the Rita and Jürgen are now homeowners.

The plot is (almost) to us, the work contract is signed and on 2 August is our architect interview.

soon in Egelsbach.

Greetings Rita and Jürgen