Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Speed Of Div 1 Softball Pitchers

Architektentermin vereinbart

Am 23.08. We have our architects appointment in Frankenberg / Eder. It goes on. We now have

also requests the soil report. Costs EUR 460 + VAT. Through tough negotiations, we have thus saved EUR 200th

Dasgleiche applies to the measurements. To extract from the real estate map, rough and marking out we will pay EUR 950, - + VAT .. This tip came from the architect Mr Greese. That has again at least EUR 300, - saved.

Monday, August 6, 2007

How To Hire An Adult Film Actress

architects call

We now had the architects call. We have defined how the house and the garage will be built on the property.
Because of water conditions, we decided that the basement about 1 m from the ground will be visible out.
We hope that we shall have no problems with water.

The plot is now ours! We have received the bill for the transfer.