Sunday, December 20, 2009

Common Whooping Cough

avatar - the worms - with the Marder 1 A3

ran on December 17 in the much sought-after James Cameron's Avatar movie in theaters. Due to the successful advertising on the one hand and the will before Christmas to enjoy something, it went to the movies. In fact - it was worth it. Even if 2.5 hours go by pretty film on the seat ... and you can come in an unusual idea:

The graphics on the PC have done such a lot to this semi-artificial to bring film into the box, but I postponed to a later date important war work and had a previously injured and not really usable Marder 1 A3 tanks from Mini ado AVATAR-coated moderately.

With Revell airbrush the colors in the painting came within minutes of the hand. Maybe I should send something to Hollywood?

In this sense I wish everyone a Merry Christmas
your Panzerfux

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where To Take Rhino V Holo Plans

a part of my fleet

.... lined up nicely on my street :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Comfortable Ball Gags

Mosel Cruising 2009

Last weekend was the Mosel Cruising. Although the weather was not always optimal, it was once again a very nice meeting. I will be there again next year. (Hopefully a different course.)

a small film from the MC is here:
? bcpid = 7411995001 & bclid = 7335069001 & bctid = 37865521001

And images can be found here:

I'm also a way, I think, made very beautiful picture.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What Socks To Wear With Converse

Tatra T8000/111 Werkstattwagen

The Tatra T8000/111 was a very robust for adverse terrain and climatic conditions well suited vehicle tscheschicher production. From 1942 T6500/111 the model with a payload of 6.5 tons was produced. The armed forces received 60 copies at that time. Later, more and more vehicles were used by the military. An amendment to the chassis, the payload increased to 8 tons. The workshop trolley has a box body made of fiberglass with workbenches and cabinets.


  • 12 cylinders
  • 142 kW power weight about 10 tons empty

  • top speed 65 - 75km / h
More information about the Tatra T111 can be found here .

The kit of SDV is entirely of plastic. The quality of the parts and the instructions has to make friends, however. A decal sheet is included with the kit. Unusual is that the windows are missing here.

Usually we build models from bottom to top. So the first frame and then the construction. This kit is the other way, however, has proven better. In addition to this bonded plastic model to save time better with super glue. The doors of the case can are shown open. For the design of the interior are at all components for storage cabinets and workbenches.

Painted with colors from Gunze. By the uniform color and material of the material is painted without priming. A light camouflage gives the model as well. Again, this is applied with an airbrush.

After painting, decals and details are painted. The model then we dive into a liquor miss to get him some patina. It also reduces the brightness of the poor as "matt" marked Gunze colors.

Now it goes to the installation of the windows. This requires that the model after the bath in the solution to dry thoroughly. To spare you the effort of tailoring of film we use Krisal of Klear Microscale Industries. The window size is optimally suited.

thicken during the windows, replaced the model still further signs of use. For this, the protruding rivets and all points are used frequently painted with a graphite pencil.

decals from the attached sheet to complete the Model:

Despite the sometimes poor quality of plastic parts needed to assemble only about 30 minutes. Who can see from the instructions the relationship of the chassis will come with 20 minutes to the destination. In a diorama, as shown on the package, surely an ideal model. The kit is of SDV it for € 13.95 in Panzerfux Model Shop .

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Leg Cramps Spironolactone

I think are smart team break

Did yesterday even looked to see why more speakers do not sound so good.
I think are broken.

Since the Polo 8.8 mm are great speakers, it's not easy what to get. The shop had no se. But media market could help me further. They had the same 2 different to choose from.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Toddlers Basketball Jersey

was on 15/08 at Street Parts in Luxembourg Open Day.
This time I have the WoWa trudged along with the Jetta.
I find a very nice team.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

An Abiotic Factor For A Shark

Wattenscheid 2009

As I promised, sometimes to write back more often ....
Today was the day's meeting in Wattenscheid, the weather was good and well attended the meeting.
I have met so many nice people and I noticed the front for next year. Was a successful meeting.
photos I've made none. There are soooo many people who can do better than I, that I can save it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Percocet For Brazilian Wax

Panzer 68/88 der Schweizer Armee

The tank 68/88 is the latest variant of the based on the Panzer 61 Panzer 68 dar. The Panzer 68/88 wurde 1992 modernisiert und war bis zum Jahr 2005 in einer Stückzahl von 195 Fahrzeugen im Dienst der Schweizer Armee . Ab 1987 wurde der Panzer 68/88 ersetzt durch den Leopard 2.

Technische Daten:

  • 4 Mann Besatzung
  • Gewicht 41700 kg
  • Länge über Alles 8,57m
  • Höchstgeschwindigkeit 55km/h
  • Panzerung bis 80mm
  • Motorleistung 600PS
  • Hubraum 30L
  • Bewaffnung 105mm PzKan 61

The kit from Trident is entirely made of resin and of excellent quality. To further refinement is a great board here with metal parts. The instructions are here altogether clear.

place after finishing the resin parts, we, together with super glue the model. In the picture above, the chain drive is mediated by a short ruler. Unfortunately, we lack the drive to the Leopard 1 famous rocker arms and stop springs. Also, end-we are missing. Compensate for the double rollers and the drive sprocket as Fotoätzteil.

Alle Resinteile sind nun an Ort und Stelle verbaut. Zur Aufnahme der Nebelwerfer sind am Turm entsprechende Markierungen geprägt. Diese wurden aufgebohrt und die Wurfbecher eingesetzt. Wahlweise können die Turmluken offen oder geschlossen dargestellt werden. Im nächsten Schritt erfolgt die Ausstattung mit den Fotoätzteilen.

Die Fotoätzteile entnehmen wir alle aus der Platine und biegen diese mit einem Biegegerät zurecht. Nach dem alle Teile vorbereitet setzen wir die Teile am Modell an. Besonders knifflig erscheint zunächst der Turmkorb welcher aus 5 Teilen besteht.

The instructions here contradicts our reference book "The tanks of the Swiss Armed Forces from 1920 - 2008. It appears that the long ends of the additional baskets inside, the original exterior. The shape of the large basket, we adhere to the instructions. As a result of good coordination of all components, even the five-tower basket succeed effortlessly.

The Swiss Army uses to paint the colors of the Bundeswehr. So following the first Paint in Bronze Green:

miss After priming, we are the cure to the wheels or your color. We simply take a black marker with no reddish tinge.

is then the order of the black spots. A painting plan is not in the kit. Therefore, our reference book views on all sides by what the other is painting.

the brown stains and the color of the chains is found below. Thereafter by the model, a Washington (aging and patina) as well as decals and painting the details. The kit is complemented by the Decals TL Swiss Army .

The numerous etched parts of the assembly takes about 90 minutes before one can devote himself to painting. The kit is of Trident it for about 25 € in Panzerfux Model Shop .

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Signs To Look For After Baby Bumps Head

Teil 1: Der Bau - Trident Sd.Kfz. 251/6 Ausf. A Kommandopanzerwagen

The SdKfz 251 based on the half-track truck SdKfz 11 and was built in the Model A in 1938. Overall, nearly 16,000 were SdKfz 251 in all variations from the tape. It was the standard vehicle of the armored infantry and could find drivers, radio operators and commanders hold up to 10 soldiers. Here is Part 1 of the Zusammebau the Trident SdKfz 251 / 6 command tanks with FuG 11 and loop antenna.

The kit consists of plastic parts which are from the SdKfz 251 Ausf D. The tub and the structure are in a resin parts.

Unfortunately, the instructions not very useful. To attach the side Belche have to help themselves as it is not out of the instructions shown. Ausßerdem you miss the FUG11 which we will add the spare parts box.

Only the resin parts require some time since the runners are set to visible later. So we cut them slightly out from the component and plan, then use fine sandpaper.

Here, all components in place before the Assembly:

For simplicity, the plastic parts are glued together with super glue. This Resinoberteil and bottom fit together well, they must be adapted in any event prior to bonding. The recordings for the chain drives are a few millimeters too narrow and therefore have the chain drive is the plastic pins are removed in order to stick it directly to the photographs.

After the assembly (which takes about 45 minutes) issue in part 2 to the painting of the SdKfz 251 / 6 of Trident .

Ap Bio Populations Genetics Lab

Teil 2: Die Lackierung - Trident Sd.Kfz. 251/6 Ausf. A Kommandopanzerwagen

On 2nd Part we are dedicated to painting and finishing of SdKfz 251 / 6 of Trident :

After assembly, the painting begins. Since all the parts used have very similar colors, we give here to get a primer and the color immediately. We use H403 Hobby Color dark yellow. Our vehicle is, even though Model A, 1944 are still in use on the Western Front.

As we paint with an airbrush, we can now proceed. We then carry on Revells
bronze green. Although this color was not then in use, but will be released after completion of the aging in perspective.
To complete the camouflage paint scheme smaller spots in brown leather can be applied. The color is too light, and it will still darkened.
The chain drive is first coated with rust H453. However, this appears light brown to clean and what we will later give help.
Soweit die Arbeiten mit der Airbrush Pistole:
Zum Aufbringen der Decals wird Vallejos Decal Fix nochmals mit Airbrush aufgetragen und die entsprechenden Beschriftungen platziert. Durch das Decal Fix haften die Beschriftungen dauerhaft am Modell.
Um die Farbtöne anzupassen tauchen wir das Modell in die "Suppe", bestehend aus einer Seifen-, Wasser-, Farbmischung von Vallejos Acryl Farben. Das ganze gibt es auch fertig gemischt von Vallejo zu kaufen.
Here's the finished model. After a few days use it already shows various signs of wear and the paint is no longer fresh. This easy drybrushing will be needed in light gray and depicted with a graphite pencil thickness 9B bare metal. From Preiser are now available to the crews of armored infantry or General and radio operator. There
the kit from Trident it for under 20 € in Panzerfux Model Shop .