Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where To Take Rhino V Holo Plans

a part of my fleet

.... lined up nicely on my street :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Comfortable Ball Gags

Mosel Cruising 2009

Last weekend was the Mosel Cruising. Although the weather was not always optimal, it was once again a very nice meeting. I will be there again next year. (Hopefully a different course.)

a small film from the MC is here: http://www.volksfreund.tv
? bcpid = 7411995001 & bclid = 7335069001 & bctid = 37865521001

And images can be found here:

I'm also a way, I think, made very beautiful picture.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What Socks To Wear With Converse

Tatra T8000/111 Werkstattwagen

The Tatra T8000/111 was a very robust for adverse terrain and climatic conditions well suited vehicle tscheschicher production. From 1942 T6500/111 the model with a payload of 6.5 tons was produced. The armed forces received 60 copies at that time. Later, more and more vehicles were used by the military. An amendment to the chassis, the payload increased to 8 tons. The workshop trolley has a box body made of fiberglass with workbenches and cabinets.


  • 12 cylinders
  • 142 kW power weight about 10 tons empty

  • top speed 65 - 75km / h
More information about the Tatra T111 can be found here .

The kit of SDV is entirely of plastic. The quality of the parts and the instructions has to make friends, however. A decal sheet is included with the kit. Unusual is that the windows are missing here.

Usually we build models from bottom to top. So the first frame and then the construction. This kit is the other way, however, has proven better. In addition to this bonded plastic model to save time better with super glue. The doors of the case can are shown open. For the design of the interior are at all components for storage cabinets and workbenches.

Painted with colors from Gunze. By the uniform color and material of the material is painted without priming. A light camouflage gives the model as well. Again, this is applied with an airbrush.

After painting, decals and details are painted. The model then we dive into a liquor miss to get him some patina. It also reduces the brightness of the poor as "matt" marked Gunze colors.

Now it goes to the installation of the windows. This requires that the model after the bath in the solution to dry thoroughly. To spare you the effort of tailoring of film we use Krisal of Klear Microscale Industries. The window size is optimally suited.

thicken during the windows, replaced the model still further signs of use. For this, the protruding rivets and all points are used frequently painted with a graphite pencil.

decals from the attached sheet to complete the Model:

Despite the sometimes poor quality of plastic parts needed to assemble only about 30 minutes. Who can see from the instructions the relationship of the chassis will come with 20 minutes to the destination. In a diorama, as shown on the package, surely an ideal model. The kit is of SDV it for € 13.95 in Panzerfux Model Shop .