Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Do Doctors Do About Hemroids

Project Tiger as the Flame Tank DIY

Herr Norman Buschmann zeigt uns sein Modell im Detail:


Die Idee zum Bau dieses Tigers bekam ich, als ich im Internet nach Tarnmustern für den Tiger von Michael Wittman recherchierte. In einem Forum (www. Modellversium.de) stieß ich auf Bilder eines solchen Modells, das ebenfalls im Eigenbau auf Basis eine Tamiya-Tigers in 1/35 entstand. Anhand der vorhandenen Modellbilder, sowie ein paar nützlichen »Gerüchten« in anderen Foren, so I began to imitate this myth Tiger . Whether it actually does, or, in a similar way remains to be seen. In further research on the Internet I found only a very vague reports and speculation and even pictures of models in 1 / 35. To what extent this is correct, I can not answer. However, what makes it of such a stimulus, a model to have in the cabinet, which is not very common. And let's be honest, what we have on file model maker skill, if not we have done so with a little imagination and an appropriate base material to understand the scene set?

Here are some useful links for those who wish to also draw up an flame Tiger :



the model. The older Roco Tiger version E is thus the basis for this conversion. The model itself, there is not much to say. Solid cast parts, the whole pre-assembled into a respectable and einer Vielzahl von Zurüstteilen ausgestattet sind. Lukendeckel und Nebelbecher können wie gewohnt am Turm angebracht werden. Auch die Kanone kann im Prinzip so verklebt werden, wie es beim Erwerb des Modells der Fall ist. Prinzipiell! Allerdings befindet sich hier die erste Veränderung, Das Kanonenrohr wurde von mir um gut 8 Millimeter vor dem Mittelstück gekürzt. Anschließend wurde es mit einem Stück Draht zur Stabilisierung im Innern versehen an den entstandenen Rest des Rohres zurück geklebt. Der Zweck diese Veränderung beim Original erschließt sich mir auch noch nicht gänzlich, doch auf den oben erwähnten Bildern ist ebenfalls deutlich zu erkennen, das die Mündungsbremse ein gutes Stück zum Turm zurück was set. In the RC-Panzer Forum, some members spoke of the the cannon had been mounted cut.
The next change is the flame tube, which was built right in parallel with the main gun in the tower. This pipe was made of a fine syringe needle, was drilled at the same time that allows even the hole for inclusion in the panel of the tower. Then fix the inside with a drop of liquid glue - done.

On the back of the armored tank, the fan grills on the engine, we begin with further structural modifications. First of all, the Feifel air filters are removed, because later this attachment is no more room on the model. Made of thin plastic material there were "tiny" steel columns that were welded with a few drops of glue on the model ". These frames form the later recording devices for the oil barrels flame. It should not be forgotten that, in this stage of the construction phase and after the cure of the adhesive, the model can be primed and painted. Nor should any dirt and wear, which are later incorporated under the barrels to be dealt with, since, according dem Verkleben der Fässer und Schlauchleitungen jene Stellen nur noch schwerlich bis gar nicht mehr zu erreichen sind.
Apropos Schlauchleitungen! Diese entstanden aus je zwei Stücken zurecht gebogenem Klingeldraht (Kupfer, 0,5mm mit Ummantelung). Um die Leitungen schließlich in das Innere der Wanne zu verlegen muss die zum Heck hin liegende Aussparung zur Aufnahme des Turmes erweitert werden. Später, bei aufgesetztem Turm verschwinden jene Schläuche unterhalb des Turmkorbes.

Als weitere, optische Aufwertungen, wurden die Kettenabdeckungen teilweise mit einer Flachzange aufgebogen und nach der Lackierung mit entsprechenden Akzenten versehen. Lackiert Tiger was the first with Desert Yellow Citadel (game workshop). The camouflage patterns consist of two colors of Revell Aqua Color that were applied over each other (bronze green khaki brown 65 to 86), with the shade of green should be made narrower, so that at the edges of the Khaki reverberation.
After Drying of camouflage, are turret and hull with a very diluted mixture of black, which a swab was mixed with Dark Flesh Citadel, glossed over. So here the patterns merge with the primer and form the basis for an old, respectively, used-looking model. I later edges with a slightly lighter blend of Desert Yellow, white with a little dry painted and added to the circuit on a few distinctive protruding edges a little metallic shine on the same way. Some wells, such as the fog pots, or the rings around the flame oil drums, were treated with Black Ink by Citadel.
Finally, everything was a little treated with pastels and charcoal. The latter can be in this particular case, a look at it applied more generously. The flame tube, and the right side of the cannon were rubbed hereby. Likewise, the areas around the bow gun and the right side of the front tub were neatly painted with coal, to represent the oily soot flames after each blow. Another visual enhancement
were still two steel wires modeled. For this I used unsheathed copper bell wire, which was the model in the enclosed eye sockets stuck.

Whether it was revealed this variant of the most famous German battle tank, so was the conversion of the Roco-Tigers a true joy. And with the two flame oil barrels and associated hoses such a model is to guarantee a real highlight in each tank cabinet.

this Tiger kit and many more are in Panzerfux Model Shop .

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ap Bio Lab 8 Hardy Weinberg Problems Number One

Toy Fair 2010 - Highlights

In search of new impulses for us and interesting models in 1 / 87 for you we have made the trip to Nuremberg to Toy Fair and report to date on the latest information - right on Exhibition Centre:

informed Trident us about the planned new products for 2010. It is a hunting panther give the fin 1945. With steel roller, flash killer exhaust and Zimmerit. Other models of the armed forces will be the SdKfz 101 and 265.

Many modern vehicles is planning a Trident for 2010. Here, the Stryker variants RV, MC and ESV. In addition, the MRAP Cougar H or the famous British model metal models in resin. For fans of the Austrian Armed Forces of the recovery vehicle Grief and the Steyr engineer vehicles is provided.

In range of Artitec were proposed models of the Bren Carrier and presented to the submarine Type VII C. It's only a matter of time before we will offer these models as well as the entire range in Artitec Panzerfux shop.

Because of many requests as ordered by Herpa Mini Tanks , we informed us first hand. Let those mini tanks models in the foreseeable future be permanently available. New products were not mentioned. However, it is one or the other in planning. We will surprise us.

From ADP we could take the proposed new a facilitator of the early years in the Bundeswehr appearances, as well as the Dahlmann jeep of the army and the armed forces.

In Preiser for 2010, some new figures and model kits are planned. The previously announced and not yet released models are a bit longer in arriving. It is now planned for this year, the delivery of a 2cm Flak crew together with electric knife in the fire fight and destroy armored troops of the Wehrmacht. We will parallel our Preiser range to expand.

Also interesting offers from Artmaster report. New characters the Navy, the design of the mighty Tiger III A with 128mm tank gun and several other models and accessories of the armed forces. Find out more soon in our newsletter.

The highlight is the armored CV 90 in Resin in work. The model will be supplied with turned brass cannon. We can be curious.

And there was more to discover: In Domoto the dog trailer of the Bundeswehr in the works. In addition, many models of the NPA, also as complete models.

present at same place, the new Knights of CB Herb Hauser . There are either finished model or as a kit, the BMW R75 with sidecar and crew or the new vehicle with Krupp tower. Again, we are planning the range during the year to put them online.

In the area of artisanal model building we have of course looked well. We came across an easy way to aging of vehicles, figures and buildings. It is a fast drying which Spary is then in shades removed from the surface. The demonstration promised a lot ... wait for our tests.

We thank all the exhibitors at Toy Fair for the hospitality of your goods, for the expert discussions, the comprehensive information and the pleasant atmosphere.
so much at this point,

Your Daniel Höhn