Saturday, April 10, 2010

How To Make A Homemade Outboard

Panzerkampfwagen I

Norman Bushman makes us one of Paul Heiser Models before:

of this country quite unknown manufacturers from the U.S., Paul Heiser , has dedicated the production of various models from the time of the Second World War. Being there at vehicles repertoire spans almost all of the involved parties in this war. That this particular model of a German Panzer I will one day clarify the advantages and disadvantages of this manufacturer.

Ausgangsmaterial dieses Bausatzes ist Resin , weshalb sich die Anzahl der Bauteile auf kaum mehr als eine Handvoll beschränkt. Zwar können so auf relativ einfache Weise mehrere Bauteile zu kompletten Baugruppen gleichzeitig gegossen werden, was die Bauzeit für ein Modell erheblich verkürzen kann, allerdings sind die Formen teilweise etwas in die Jahre gekommen. Diesem Modell sieht mein sein Alter durchaus an, im speziellen an den beiden Laufwerksteilen, an welchen viel überschüssiges Resin zu entfernen ist. Fischhäute usw. ließen sich vermutlich auch so auf ein Minimum reduzieren. Andernfalls bleibt einem nichts weiter übrig, to have recourse, as the Miniborhmaschine including abrasive paper, scalpel and file and remove the excess material.

turn out after a hard day's work, but all the parts to be extremely useful, especially as a wealth of fine details, such as finely recessed panel lines, doors, hatches, screws and the like come to light. The fit of all parts is good. The small tower, which will put his place on the tub, placed by a thick shaft into a designated hole. Who here would not use glue, can make the tower including mobile.
In order to present the MG-armament in the turret, can the kit is a piece of steel wire. This we do to length and attached to the appropriate places in the drilling tower panel with a drop of super glue. The latter should be used in addition to the assembly of the entire model. The only downer for European model enthusiasts, perhaps the rather sparse instructions. Based on this does not indicate where tools and additional parts should be attached to the model. Well, in the original, especially after several weeks of use at the front, certainly were not always all of these things more attached to the same place, representing a construction and comparison of original and Model images some room opened. In addition, some extent, all of which are given in U.S. inches figures, converted into metric measurements.

After all these preparations were dealt with, all parts were cleaned with a mild Spülmittelllösung. Everything was primed in a light shade of gray. After passing the trough were dry, the tower, and the internal chassis components (ie all wheels and roll) painted in gray tank 78 (Revell Aqua Color). While this paint dried, were some of the tools, parts, and the hatch cover of the tower a color design subject. A day later, after the keynote was properly dried by means of a touch of Codex drybrushing Grex (Citadel) was brushed over everything. Again, it's up to yourself how far he might lighten the primer coat in gray tanks 78 on the way back. Following this, I accented some corners and edges of the model with iron 91, also from Revell Aqua Color. Ind the wells of the flaps on the stern, and was on the front panel a little Black Ink (Citadel) poured and the excess part dabbed with a dry cloth, lose them a distinctive look a little. Both MG-runs were a mixture of black and 4512 (Luke) and iron 91 bepinselt.
Die Ketten des Laufwerks erhielten zunächst einen mattschwarzen Anstrich; ebenfalls Lukas 4512. Hierbei sollte darauf geachtet werden, das diese Farbe, die quasi als Grundierung zu verstehen ist, auch in die Vertiefungen dringt. Also jene Stellen, die im Original offen waren, da die Zähne des Antriebsrades hier eingriffen. Der zweite Schritt beim Bemalen der Ketten war ein Drybrushing mit einem Hauch von Bestial Brown von Citadel. Erst hiernach wurde ein weiterer Hauch von Eisen 91 auf die erhaben vorspringenden Partien der Laufkette aufgetragen.
Nach dem Zusammenbau sämtlicher Teile mittels Sekundenkleber wurde mein Panzer I mit ein wenig abgeriebener Pastellkreide dusty. I used this bright earth tones and gray shades, and held me back discreetly, as it should be a parade vehicle. All tools spring from the model. Only the commander figure has been supplemented by Preiser.

Conclusion: All in all it was a double pleasure to build this model and more. One there is another model whose parts consist entirely of resin. On the other models by Paul Heiser are, as already mentioned, this country is virtually unknown and it was interesting to build a tank type, so far at this scale do not were in my collection.

this Panzerkampfwagen I and many more are in there Panzerfux Model Shop .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How Much Pads Licience Fee

Sd. Kfz. 138 / 2 as mountains Hetzer Hetzer

Norman Busch's experience with the mountains of Arsenal Hetzer M: a short time in advance: this was my first model, which consisted entirely of Resin . It was certainly not my last this Art, doch was mich dieser Bau anfänglich an Schweiß und Ausdauer gekostet hat ... Junge! Junge!! Junge!!!
Wie eingangs erwähnt, bestehen sämtliche Teile dieses Bausatzes aus Resin in olivgrüner Farbe, die einzeln verpackt in kleine Plastikbeutel daher kommen.  Eine Bauanleitung in schwarz-weiß liegt ebenfalls bei. Die Anleitung enthält eine Übersicht über alle benötigten, bzw. für diesen Bausatz nicht benötigten Teile. Da diese Anleitung jedoch nicht nur in s/w sondern zusätzlich auch noch sehr dunkel gehalten wurde (möglicherweise eine ausgelutschte Kopie einer Kopie einer Kopie ...), kann man nach dem Abgleich auf Vorhandensein der Bauteile, diese getrost dem Altpapier zuführen. Welche Teile wo zu montieren sind, erklärt sich nach einmaliger Durchsicht, sowie menschlicher Logik fast von alleine.

Der Rumpf, Ober - und Unterwanne, sind aus einem Stück gegossen und bedürfen, speziell an den Stellen des Heck, kurz über den Schmutzfängern, einiges an Nacharbeit. Ansonsten gibt es an diesem "Klotz" nichts zu bemängeln. Nieten und andere Details, wie z.B. Klappen und Blechstöße, sind für diesen kleinen Maßstab sehr gut nachgebildet. Angussstellen o.ä. findet man keine.
Anders schaut es da bei den Laufwerken aus. Diese Teile, die aus Kette, Leit- und Treibrad, and pass the four big wheels are cast in one piece. It also is nothing more reprehensible. However, here the Angus block is very wide at the top of the chain. From a clean-cutting and requires some skill and foresight.

All other parts - with the exception of the side skirts - can be after the separation of its ingot and corresponding rework process wonderful. Just before mounting the huge Erdspron which later adorn the rear of the mountains Hetzer, should be a little preliminary work done for the purpose of future stability. Both on the spur forks, as well as the instigators were small holes drilled and short Stücke Draht (D=0,5mm) eingeklebt. So präpariert lassen sich beide Teile wunderbar mit einander verbinden, ohne ein Abbrechen bei möglicher Handhabung befürchten zu müssen. Zudem bietet diese Verbindung auch ein gewisses Maß an Flexibilität, was bei der Montage der Seilwinde und des S-Hakens nicht ganz unvorteilhaft ist. Der Erdsporn sollte allerdings vor der Montage am Modell separat bemalt und gealtert werden.

Da jene Abstützung im Einsatz nicht hydraulisch, sondern über die im Innern des Bergehetzer befindliche Seilwinde auf- und abgesenkt wurde, sollte diese Vorrichtung natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Mit einem dünnen Bohrer wurde die im rückwärtigen Part of the Hetzer, drilled next to the exhaust system located opening for the steel cable. Similarly, the upper part of the cast was lead-free drilled for the cable. A grommet out of the spare and a short piece of twisted copper wire were the ingredients for the visible Stahlsein the winch. A simple S-hook (for pictures made) then joined Cable and Erdsporn each other - that was the lifting device. were
Since the skirts not only get too thin, but that also stopped at all the brackets were manufactured these parts short hand completely ourselves. I served as the starting material 0.15 mm thick embossed sheet of aluminum. With just over two hours and endurance were said parts cut from the sheet, folded and glued to the model.

painted, the mountains Hetzer using colored images on www2Drawings

The pattern which, while getting used to, but nonetheless a marked change from the yellow-brown Green offers standard, is a mountain Hetzer of 1945 because of an unknown tank destroyer division. After a general primer in a light gray base coat was applied in Beige 314 of Revell Aqua Color. The camouflage pattern was with Vanilla 4500 of Luke, the orange-brown with Revel Aqua Color shown 85th After appropriate drying of inks, color was all stock, this time with very dilute paint containing 87 (Revell Aqua Color) glossed over. Decals on this time could be eliminated completely, since all of this predestined places packed with attachment (crane, wooden beams, etc.) were blocked. Latter, I've made in one piece 2x2mm spruce wood from the craft store.
The tarpaulin, with which the tank interior was protected from the weather, etc., was with a mixture of gray tank 78 (Revell Aqua Color) and Lukas'Vanilla 4500, and a small drop Earth color 87 (Revell Aqua Color) painted. Was then dry brushed with Codex Grex (Citadel).

Conclusion: Although some components has could drive you here in the sheer madness to me to build this model a lot of fun and pleasure. And with the camouflage paint scheme and a corresponding emphasis is dirt after a good 1 1 / 2 weeks of construction is another, not quite an everyday model in the domestic tank cabinet.

this Hetzer kit and many more are in Panzerfux Model Shop .