Monday, May 31, 2010

Rc Weedeater Engine Boat

Tiger I SS Panzer Division 102 Tower No. 812 - Paul Heiser's Models Tiki

Norman Busch is building a special Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger

The Tigers of SS Panzer Abteilung 102, the 2 SS Panzer Grenadier Division "Das Reich" with the tower number 812 and the nickname Tiki the commander Heinrich Warnick.
The model of the Tiger I version E is made by Herpa and manufactured sound. It is a good basis and granted the builder a lot of room for his ideas, to complete modifications (see assembly report flame Tiger ). For ten euros you will get a pre-assembled model, the sorts of additional parts . Enclosed The casting of light-brown polystyrene plastic is virtually without objection, and only a few ridges and has the like. The latter can, however, with a sharp blade and a corresponding file easily removed.

two parts - upper and lower hull were already glued together before painting. I used this a thin liquid plastic cement from Pattex. With the present on the bottle needle could this be introduced directly into the tiny gaps that exist between the upper and lower hull. Subsequently, the Smoke grenades, hatches and other small items attached to the tower. I decided I for the turret hatch open shooters to represent the charge. From a short piece of pipe PS I made a base, which was stuck in the middle of the hatch. On this base a wheel was made of etched brass from Artmaster his place. Having assembled all the details so far and the adhesive was cured, all components were fixed with a small drop of glue on a cardboard and primed in the port.

The painting consisted of three basic colors. First was put on the primer, a second base coat Beige 314 of Revell Aqua Color. After drying, the ink was dry brushed with Citadel's Desert yellow. Once this work was done, was applied by means of color photos and a template from the Web the camouflage pattern. To this end, I used paint containing 87 by Revell Aqua Color.
The roles of the box drive were treated with 314 and Desert Beige yellow. A camouflage pattern was, as far I was able to assess the available photos, not available. This was followed by an order of pastels.

Since the present model, as well as the underlying original is a vehicle of the first type, had minor changes made to the exhaust system. These had the lowest third on protection, which allows viewers to the rusty mufflers. The small holder I made from the existing parts of the model by severing this I imitated the retaining bolts and machined with a round file. After the paint to dry, these two components with a drop of thick cyano attached to the model.

The two cyclone-filter system filters Feifel were painted separately, dry brushed and attached to the model. Now could the decals, or the name of Tiger "TIKI" be applied to the flanks. The decals are from TL-Decals , had its name with a brush size 0 / 5 painted freehand on the front. The numbers at the rear and sides of the tower were applied freehand with a brush the same size and a little white. That it is not involved in this numbering sprayed stencil signs, it is clear from all these pictures of the then original. Last but not least was with various pastels applied in a realistic earth tones dust.

Conclusion: This model offers a model maker, a good basis for simple models, or even own ideas. Whether recreating the basis for a conversion or a famous model of that time. With a little skill and commitment can be a work of art created from a model.

this Panzerkampfwagen VI and many more are in Panzerfux Model Shop .