Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make Chocolatecocoa Tablet

Storage facilities ....

Ich stelle immer wieder fest, dass es einfach Dinge gibt, die man am besten in Schubladen schmeißt um dann irgendwann das Sammelsurium zu durchwühlen und das gesuchte Relais, den Stecker, den Türpin oder einfach nur die Halteklammer für irgendeine Verkleidung zu finden.
Leider hatte ich in meinem Lager, jedoch nur 3 Schubladen :o(
Als ich jedoch die Teile für den Sperrmüll rausstellen wollte, kam mir eine Idee und so habe ich die Nachttischschränke und die Küchenhängeschränke vor dem Sperrmüll gerettet. Die Unterschränke standen vorher schon in meinem Lager. Die Reste unserer Küchenarbeitsplatte hab ich auch gleich mit verbraucht.
Das Ergebnis sieht so aus:

can now sort I fund my further: o)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Punched In The Stomach Vomited

€ 3.09 ....

On Sunday we were for the first time this year at a flea market. I found this brooch and I think it fits perfectly with my rose-colored tunics and scarves ...

It cost € 0.50.

Then I found this wreath of feathers. Very delicate and Austrian ...

Er kostete 1,00 €.

Und gestern gab bei *ldi diese Kerzeneier.

Sie kosteten 1,59 €.

Tja, man soll bekanntlich nicht über Geld reden, aber heute war es mir das mal wert:
3,09 € für sooooo schöne Dinge!

Oh well ... You are right ... when 2 x egg purchases, then there are also 2 x 1,59 € ....


We have to be in the next few weeks once exciting:

Can you see what?

There is a wall that will be there tomorrow, not in the mold ....
soon for more pictures ... I 'm very excited - we live again / at a construction site.

you soon!

Most Powerdul Desktop

My '68 Beetle

Today I used the good weather and made a few pictures of my '68 Beetle.

And here are a few pictures from the 2009 season. Actually, what should happen again this winter, but was missing at the time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Best Deal On Vw Sportwagon Tdi Dag

Audi to sell 100 sell

I have an Audi make 100th He is Bj has 90 blocked the 133PS engine, € 1 and automatic transmission.
The rear side window is broken small, the APC is not installed properly (Schrauben lose) Zustand siehe Bilder.
Ist also ein reines Bastlerfahrzeug, welches jedoch schnell wieder auf die Straße gebraucht werden kann.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fm Transmitter To Play Louder

spring? ...

Well ... at least a little. With us, it's still very cold outside and the garden is still snow, but I have done flowers and the first (delicious) eggs!


Then I tried some news. Since I have so far only one Granny crochet form, I was once married to something new.

The guide can be found here - as did sooooo many other nice instructions ...


Well, and then came the book ... I know that many have been as original, but now there is this in German!

A dream!

Have a great weekend!

In Bine I found an action. Actually, it's about the view from the Werkelzimmer to document the beginning of the month.

Here's my view of my garden shed in early March.

Monday, February 28, 2011

European Soccer Players Hot

is not often unexpectedly ...

This little cupboard I found on the bulky - You remember?

It took some time with the whitening (4 in x, so I did not always feel like it ...).
These two new knobs:

it has become quite nice, right?

Then there was this little angepinselt board.

The Clock I've seen in Nora . Since we now we have a corresponding branch of De * ots, it was time .... hihi ....

how it looks on the whole ...


Yesterday I got a packet of a dear customer - just like that ....

look for yourself: Are

In the GG box of matches.

a lucky heart (I can well use !!!), a chocolate, a tea and a card with the imprint:

When God created you, he put his stamp affectionately as "very good" in your heart.

I was soooo touched and this sentence can only return to you, dear Sabine!

postcard / photo Rann of Berg & Friends HH

... and a card with this wonderful design!

On that note: have it nicely!

PS If you should see strange Buuhhuuuuhhhuuu "noises in the Schleswig-Holstein hear .... this is our dog in the garden. It is something wuschig and "calls" the girls. It is so embarrassing .... He cries even while walking. What can we say?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sample Letter For Inquiry For A Wedding

Project 24-inch gun 4 - Part 3

Project 24-inch gun 4 - Part 3: The finish

"In the last part of the report on the construction of my" K4, I want to go into the final work. The final detailing are found in well here mention, as the painting and the final finish. Let me start with a few more, embellishing details. Let's start ...

First, I wanted to build a cart to tow with the help of the crew shells and propellant charges in the gun was. This was created out of thin PS material (Rai-Ro) und wurde so zusammen geklebt, wie man es sich von einem schnell zusammen gezimmerten gestell auf ein paar Rollen eben erwarten kann – sehr behelfsmäßig. Aber genau das war es, was ich erwecken wollte, nämlich den Eindruck, das nicht alle Teile serienmäßig sind und wie aus einem Guß daher kommen.

Als Granate habe ich doch tatsächlich in den unergründlichen Tiefen meiner »Grabbelkiste« eine aus gedrehtem Messing gefunden. Und sie hat sogar noch einigermaßen den richtigen Durchmesser – Heureka! Bemalt wurde die konische Spitze dieser Granate mit einer Mischung aus USA Olive Drab, auf das später ein wenig German Grey (beides Vallejo) was brushed on dry. The cartridge part of the grenade would treat me a little later with matte clear lacquer, so as to provide a base for the pigments of Vallejo can. To the motivation of the gun crew to capture a bit, I could not deny myself the grenade the name "Lola" to paint on the top. The lifting harness to the crane hook was constructed of PS radicals together. The cartridge itself arose from small pipe ends, which I locked with a little wood glue before I painted.

Let us now therefore, for the color design of the model. First, all parts of the model with a primer from the can treated. This was indulged myself in a good day to have been allowed, before I started with the basic color. First, the model was a complete coat of German Grey, to which I narrowed a few drops of dilution of the manufacturer. Since the model was designed by me, which could be combined if possible many components into assemblies, which would then be added to the final only to a whole together, it was now easy to just paint these components separately. My K4 consists of the following components:

- main mast
- upper mount left / right
- Rohrrückholblock
- bottom piece with tube
- Crane
- parapets and walkways (total 12x)
- support in the firing position (2x)
- Tiger I chassis (2x)
- were lifting device (2x)

All these modules painted separately (brush and Airbrush). After the primer with the above-mentioned German Grey, all parts of a "beating" was given with a neutral gray. This should be a lighter shade of color wear. Especially on the uneven surface of the bottom piece, as it is collected, it shows a very good impression, because the wells appear dark, while the raised lots of wind, weather and use plain and worn emerge. To reinforce this impression even a Nouance can, both parts were later covered over with a little Badab Black Citadel. The individual steps of the gun barrel also received a misty gray paint with neutral. Especially the area that extends from the front of the tube return, I treated with a light coat of iron in 1991 followed by Revell and lighter coating of Mithril Silver Citadel. This task was dry, "oil has been applied." Finally, had the moving part to be lubricated so good when he was at the launch and the subsequent slide back to the front on the move ... Oily
were also the lifting cylinders designed, the left and right had the upper carriage place. There also a bit of excess grease has been painted onto the attachment to the gun platform. I used this, as in the first part of this report already written, "oil" from the color of Gunze Sangyo Weathering. Sharp edges, to have been applied to the bare metal worn paint on the corners, etc., with different iron and silver colors (dry brush). Through these colors could be differentiated abrasions caused.
"With a 0/10er brush and white paint (Revell Aqua Color), I painted in old Gothic letters the name" FENRIS on both sides of the Rückholblock. Since the Germans seemed to have the time anyway so a fool at the figures and legends eaten the Nordic mythology. Fenris Wolf is the way of the gods of that mythology said. And, I think, makes the color scheme but it has been very good, right? Then came to the mouth of a little black smoke of MIG Pigments and was ready to mount, including pipe and all the trimmings.

The two armored vehicles were given an identical painting, in the same manner as the carriage described above. Of course, here and there were added a few more details to lighten the overall impression of the whole as good as possible and the observing to offer a wealth of eye variety. The mounted on the rear cover plates Lüftergrätings example, were at the edges and the surface additionally be provided with a few tentative strip Dark Flesh (Citadel). This rust-colored clay is the anti-rust paint of the time very close. What could be more natural than to let this shine through in some areas battered by the base coat? Then a few strokes with Mithril Silver, and here is the aging completed. At the leading transportation Tiger I have painted the right of the driver's perspective Luke have a nickname "Emily".

"the" turntable of that component, which both closes the tower opening in Tiger, as well as a slider bed simultaneously between the lift and the gun functions, received a little special treatment. Like in 2nd Part suggested the idea was to make the this component should work like a truck. And as is the custom in those same, are well known, always provided with a thick layer of fat. So, there had indeed get both Tiger a "collar oil" misses, it was now free of "Grease!"
the ski I have shown by using black-brown color from the approximate age set of Gunze Sangyo-. I found that color is a bit aged grease quite close, it also should not remain in this color. In a circular motion, I smeared the tower cover with a fine brush Sun The edge was painted with it and even the top in the immediate vicinity of the closure has gotten a little down spilled oil. Already half a day later "oil" from the same set was used. Also, this color was applied in thin and circular strokes on the plate. A couple of light drops were distributed around the plate on the tank roof. Finally, everything was still a coating of very dilute gloss black.
The tops of the exhaust parts, ie the aperture and the exhaust is hidden pots were also even with a little black smoke brushed by MIG. Similarly, received directly around these parts lying around the model, a touch of fine black pigments. Thus prepared, these two vehicles were almost ready.

in the design of the two masts, The procedure was similar to the rest of the model as well. A base coat of German Grey, followed by a dry applied coating of some neutral density, followed by some iron 91 to the sharp edges present. The control panel was a very fine brush (size 0 / 10) has a few buttons, switches, displays and the like painted. In retrospect, I was thinking after a tip from a good friend as to why I have not created such a PC, printed and glued on. But at the end of the built model hobbyists fall always known the details, which could have been designed rather differently. So be it! At the control valve were also with "oil is still" a few laughs shown. The same paint was also applied to the moving parts of the cylinder. In moderation, even running down of oil to the lower regions of the components was applied. The pipelines, and the lower areas around them were wet with a little "excess" oil. As described
in the second part, each lift, zu beiden Seiten je eine Tafel erhalten, auf der die römischen Ziffern »I« und »II« aufgetragen wurden. Diese Tafeln sollten den Einweisern behilflich sein, auf das diese sich beim dirigieren des Geschützes nicht verhaspelten. Diese Nassschiebebilder stammen aus dem Sortiment von TL-Decals . An weiteren Decals wurden je zwei Balkenkreuze links und rechts an den Panzerwannen aufgebracht. Bei diesen handelt es sich dieses mal jedoch nicht um Nassschiebebilder wie üblich, sondern um s.g. Trockenanreiber aus dem Hause Artmaster . Anfänglich noch mit Skepsis beseelt, musste ich nach dem »aufrubbeln« feststellen, das diese Bilder sich leichter anbringen lasen, als angenommen. Der Vorteil bei diesen Bildern is that there is no transparent edge as in the paintings of TL.
But where is no light and shade. While we spend a wet slide image even after nor can quickly slide with a drop of water, or decal media on the model in its proper place, it applies to the "Trockenrubblern" to fix this as they are to be applied effectively. Otherwise it is left to each model builder for themselves what kind of attachment he chooses ...

After all painted so far and following this very well dried, was able to begin the weathering. Moreover, apart from the fact that already many Wear effects were applied during the painting, I have still some shade of ink from Citadel's (mostly Black and Badab Devlan Mud) is set, or strengthened. Even in a few places down spilled water that has left a fine rust (rear portion of the exhaust tips, etc.) are shown with Flesh Wash and Brown Ink by Citadel. With the same black ink (Badab Black) also have the indentations of the steel wheels were stressed before was also applied a slight touch of iron 91st With a mixture of Light Sienna, Green Earth, and a little Titanium White (to lighten) from the pigments range from Vallejo, was the lower region of the two tank models more or less strong "dusted." Here I have the leading car a little stronger layer of dust missed, as the rear. The same mixture was also to take the mount on, although here too the gun itself, the walkways (even this one) and others, raised parts shown were aged. Also received the wooden parts of the bars or a rubdown with a mixture of Natural Sienna and Burnt Umber to emphasize the color of the wood in just a moment. Decals etc I have this completely left outside - you see one by the name of the gun from, but which was free-hand painted.

The figures of the team wurden aus insgesamt drei Sets von Preiser zusammen gestückelt. Ich bediente mich der Figuren 16500, Panzersoldaten Deutsches Reich 1935-45 ; 16537, Kanoniere zu 10,5 cm leFH 18 und 16515, Panzerbesatzung Deutsches Reich 1939-45 . Die Sets bestehen aus einer Vielzahl von Figuren, die mit beiliegenden Körperteilen annähernd frei gestaltet werden können. Um ein möglichst lebendiges Bild zu schaffen, wurden Ausrüstungsgegenstände, Arme, Beine und Köpßf fröhlich miteinander getauscht und so eine bunte Mannschaft ersonnen, die den »Fenris« bedienen würde. Bemalt wurden die Jungs ebenfalls mit den Farben von Vallejo. Die Hosen in German Grey, der jedoch eine Was mixed with tiny white added. Later, it was dry brushed with gray dust from Revell Aqua Color.
The white shirts were also a bit of color stock, respectively, a touch of Devlan Mud, as well as the skin of the face and bare chest. This also achieves the effect of the raised portions brighter, deeper a little darker designed to merge the two skin tones but using ink together. In other words, there is one between light and dark skin tone a smoother transition than in the dry brush is the case anyway. Had all the pieces found their place, they were a little wood glue on the feet to the appropriate authorities stapled to the model. In case of improper transport, etc. at worst, only these characters would be deprived of their steadfastness, as they indeed are fixed, but the glue does not contain any solvents that would provide a "welding" between the figure and artillery.

The final conclusion:

After nearly four months of construction, in which I consumed not only up some audio books and radio plays from the private fund was, but my body some hectoliters of coffee, tea and various other goodies (both in liquid as well as solid form) supplied habe, ist mein bist dato größtes und auch ehrgeizigstes Projekt - »vollendet« Ich schreibe dies absichtlich in Klammern, denn es gibt schon jetzt wieder einiges an Details, die mir ins Auge springen und die ich ggf. noch verändere. Doch das soll hier erst einmal gar nicht zur Debatte stehen. Fakt ist, das mir der Eigenbau, sowie der doppelte Umbau des Modells aus den bekannten Einzelteilen und Ausgangsmodellen ungemein viel Spaß und Freude bereitet hat. Zwar hat mich der Bau sicherlich auch einiges an graue Haare gekostet, doch war es dieses Opfer mehr mehr als wert, betrachte ich mir nun das Endergebnis meiner Mühen.
Wie eingangs im ersten Teil des Blog erwähnt, handelt es sich hierbei um ein fiktives Modell, für dessen real existence today is no more evidence. I beg to observe, therefore, it is well within the bounds of possibility that may have been some parts of my design so in Natura never implemented. But I was anxious to do my best and if possible on things instead, which it had indeed been in a similar way. However, I would appreciate criticism, praise and blame much.
. Opened

Norman Bushman 01-2011