Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make Chocolatecocoa Tablet

Storage facilities ....

Ich stelle immer wieder fest, dass es einfach Dinge gibt, die man am besten in Schubladen schmeißt um dann irgendwann das Sammelsurium zu durchwühlen und das gesuchte Relais, den Stecker, den Türpin oder einfach nur die Halteklammer für irgendeine Verkleidung zu finden.
Leider hatte ich in meinem Lager, jedoch nur 3 Schubladen :o(
Als ich jedoch die Teile für den Sperrmüll rausstellen wollte, kam mir eine Idee und so habe ich die Nachttischschränke und die Küchenhängeschränke vor dem Sperrmüll gerettet. Die Unterschränke standen vorher schon in meinem Lager. Die Reste unserer Küchenarbeitsplatte hab ich auch gleich mit verbraucht.
Das Ergebnis sieht so aus:

can now sort I fund my further: o)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Punched In The Stomach Vomited

€ 3.09 ....

On Sunday we were for the first time this year at a flea market. I found this brooch and I think it fits perfectly with my rose-colored tunics and scarves ...

It cost € 0.50.

Then I found this wreath of feathers. Very delicate and Austrian ...

Er kostete 1,00 €.

Und gestern gab bei *ldi diese Kerzeneier.

Sie kosteten 1,59 €.

Tja, man soll bekanntlich nicht über Geld reden, aber heute war es mir das mal wert:
3,09 € für sooooo schöne Dinge!

Oh well ... You are right ... when 2 x egg purchases, then there are also 2 x 1,59 € ....


We have to be in the next few weeks once exciting:

Can you see what?

There is a wall that will be there tomorrow, not in the mold ....
soon for more pictures ... I 'm very excited - we live again / at a construction site.

you soon!

Most Powerdul Desktop

My '68 Beetle

Today I used the good weather and made a few pictures of my '68 Beetle.

And here are a few pictures from the 2009 season. Actually, what should happen again this winter, but was missing at the time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Best Deal On Vw Sportwagon Tdi Dag

Audi to sell 100 sell

I have an Audi make 100th He is Bj has 90 blocked the 133PS engine, € 1 and automatic transmission.
The rear side window is broken small, the APC is not installed properly (Schrauben lose) Zustand siehe Bilder.
Ist also ein reines Bastlerfahrzeug, welches jedoch schnell wieder auf die Straße gebraucht werden kann.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fm Transmitter To Play Louder

spring? ...

Well ... at least a little. With us, it's still very cold outside and the garden is still snow, but I have done flowers and the first (delicious) eggs!


Then I tried some news. Since I have so far only one Granny crochet form, I was once married to something new.

The guide can be found here - as did sooooo many other nice instructions ...


Well, and then came the book ... I know that many have been as original, but now there is this in German!

A dream!

Have a great weekend!

In Bine I found an action. Actually, it's about the view from the Werkelzimmer to document the beginning of the month.

Here's my view of my garden shed in early March.