Monday, February 25, 2008

Horse Behind Car Family Guy

The wallpaper is finished inside and outside

Our house is now papered.
The first tile on the walls are being built
and the garage.

Next steps:
completion of the garage
current in the garage
laying of tiles on walls and floor

We plan to move in mid-April.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Average Wedding Cost 2010


The space for the garage and is ready for the balcony.


The water meter is connected (we now have water). The
Screed dries and single rooms are already smoothed. Already use the woodchip wallpaper on the ceiling is painted finished.

What is happening:

is papered.
We are waiting for the garage.
... and we have purchased 40 square paving slabs for the patio.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Brown Mucus 1 Week Before Period

The painters are here.

is filled.
Next week will be papered.


The power now comes directly from the power supply in the meter box.
water, telephone and cable are in the house.
When water is missing is the water meter, which means we still have no water!

The burrows on Monday before preparing the area for the garage.

We seek and receive the first offers for the move and the satellite system.