Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lyme Disease Green Poop


At outside temperatures from -7 to 1 degrees today, it was freezing cold in the hall. . (
Still have I managed to do something on beetle

First a picture before

The box bumper, the Mex-hood and the APC, I recently installed the first, as I have since May, a caravan, but. Nevertheless, the optics will now be a bit 'older': o)
First, the electrical system of the rear lights and disconnect the trailer coupling.

Then another bumper and bonnet.

Also remove the two Kotis was quite fixed.

To conclude, the rear panel

All screws could be solved well, even the state of the sheet, which now came to light was very good.
But somehow had some mist were yet to come.

I have broken the mirror on the driver's side. When walking past has somehow disturbed and on the passenger side, I've already folded several times. In the driver's side this did not work unfortunately. : O (

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pet Containment System Rf 1002 Manual

screws can be so terrible fire. Finally back

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What Schools Has The Braiding Courses In Ohio

Kampfpanzer 87 Leopard von MR Modellbau

Middle Leopard 2 Swiss Army


The Panzer 87 sat down in the 80s against the M1 Abrams by the successor to the obsolete ended Centurion tanks. Switzerland provided points out 380 tanks 87 in service.
The main distinguishing features are the tower-mounted snow hook, contour changes to the tower and striking the exhaust system under which other acts of sound dampening.

Many photos and information about the original can be found here: http://www.leo2.ch/

The model consists of Resin parts in perfect quality. Completely new and in excellent shape, shows the chain drive including sprockets, single rollers and idlers . Here really nothing to be desired .


really a perfect model, if the poor instructions and lack Swiss Tower MG would not ! The model is built up but still very nice out of hand because everything sits and fits. Therefore quite suitable even for beginners in the area Resin . But with the instructions you are doing something is difficult and needs to at least take a look at reference photos. the missing gun is very bad, because the would be the point on the famous i.

Pleasant way uses the Swiss Army for her leopard coat the same as the armed forces. According was applied with the airbrush camouflage the Leopard 2. The finished model makes a very good impression and is an asset to any Leopard-and Switzerland-collector dar. Experienced modelers can certainly do more of it. Especially since the tub is hollow.

Extra Fine yet the end: All hatches can be opened and provide space for the driver, loader and commander.

The price of the kit is about 26 € and is
available here: www.panzerfux.de

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can Stomach Virus Reinfect You

SfKfz 131 Marder II mit PAK 40 von Trident

Light and agile tank destroyer Marder II of the German Wehrmacht.

Das Modell besteht aus Resin Teilen in einwandfreier Qualität. Die
Laufwerke sind aus Plastik und stammen von Tridents Panzerkampfwagen
II. Fotoätzteile sind keine enthalten. Ebensowenig fehlen Decals was in
diesem Maßstab leider üblich ist.

Der Marder II bietet als Modell viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten.
Denn von 1941 bis Ende 1944 waren ca 1200 dieser Fahrzeuge an allen Fronten, besonders aber an der Ostfront im Einsatz. Der Marder I basierte noch auf französichen Beutefahrzeugen. Die Entwicklung reichte bis zum Marder IV More on this in Wikipedia or Pan zerlexikon .

The construction of the model turns out very positive. Rotating fit
parts and require no post processing. However, the instructions
is vague and leaves open some questions
. This clarification, however, quickly check through the photos of models such as these attributes
are located in the masses.

The color scheme was again held in panzerfuxtypisch sangegelb.
Dazu grüne Flecken mit brauner Umrandung. Wie immer ein leichtes
Washing und das Modell kann sich sehen lassen.

Durch den schön offenen Kastenaufbau eigent sich der Marder II
hervorragend um hier noch eine Besatzung einzusetzen.

Der Preis des Bausatzes liegt bei knapp 22 Euro und ist
hier erhältlich: www.panzerfux.de

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Moisturizer For Lips Homemade

beetles screws

After yesterday I had once made a little order, I could now finally screw again. : O)
I plan to convert the '68 to '66 look. The hood was when I bought it, anyway's a long and wings are all processed 'unique'. I like the cut Kotis not and must therefore always gone. But before I start a picture of the look 'before'.

For those who do not know my car: The owner has all 4 Kotis rounded, so the form a little different from normal bugs o)

I then had the two Kotis dismantled. Was actually quite fixed. Only one screw would not. After I finally had out there, I knew why.
The screw was not, as in a normal thread, screwed sondern wurde nur durch Spachtel gehalten :o(

Die gespachtelte Stelle. Ansonsten hielt sich der Rost in Grenzen. Nur der Unterbodenschutz blättert ab.

Der Käfer soll auch noch ein Stück tiefer werden. Hab ma die Bodenfreiheit gemessen, waren 16cm. Aber das soll um einiges weniger werden. Nach dem ich die Dämpfer ausgebaut habe, hatte ich vorne auch wieder Federweg. Allerdings war die Bodenfreiheit dann 17cm. Ich vermute das muss sich jetzt erstmal setzen.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Best Tooth Whitening Best Tooth Whitening

3-2-1 mine .......

Hatte am Wochenende langeweile und habe auf ein paar Teile bei ebay geboten und bei einer Auktion auch den Zuschlag bekommen.
Ein paar Little things for my Beetle. I was interested in mainly the fuel gauge.

Sled Wreck Yard In Ontario

Coolers bankruptcy

Last week Sunday Jörg asked whether anyone had NEN cooler for his Jetta. Since I still want the white golf in the hall and this is to be slaughtered anyway, I asked him at this cooler. On Monday night, then I am extra in the hall to expand the cooler.

The operation was done quickly. Did it even directly dismantled a few parts (bumper, grill, front panel ...) On Tuesday, then to the post, and Jörg sent the cooler. When he has it then installed he states, unfortunately, that the radiator is leaking: (
I do not get, I am the golf before I put him in the hall, down almost 2 weeks, and there was no loss of water is also the reservoir was still full. before I removed the cooler.
Anyway, Jörg has now bought a new cooler. is dense, but still are problems ....