Friday, February 4, 2011

Thank You Email After Interview Etiquette

Panzerfux at the Toy Fair 2011

clock on the dot of 9 03 February 2011, Toy Fair their doors and Panzerfux was repaired without detours to find the latest Models and kits in 1 / 87 for the coming year. were

At the booth of Artitec numerous, well-presented news presented. Already perfect are the models of the type VII C U-boat, which was presented at the International Toy Fair 2010. In the right background you can see Panzerfux talking on the stand Artitec
Other planned innovations are a detailed replica of the Tigers by Michael Wittmann, the VW jeep with gun owners and other etched parts, numerous figures, the Stuart Light Tank.

Alles, sogar das U-Boot in zwei Varianten, sind als Bausatz und als Fertigmodell geplant. Das U-Boot ist bereits nächste Woche bei Panzerfux erhältlich.

U-Boot Typ VII C von Artitec (oben) und GMC M12 Selbstfahrlafette (unten)

Sehr erfreuliches gibt es von Trident zu berichten. Neben einem zivilem Diorama mit einem schweren Unfall vor dem KFC legten wir unser Augenmerk auf die militärischen Neuheiten für 2011.
So it is here to give new, modern vehicles such as the 3-axis MRAP Cougar or the Bushmaster PMV. be re-opened to vehicles belonging to Dutch YPR-765 family as easy-to-build resin models. For the friends of the plastic models a few trucks from the MTV series will be available as a printed Tarnfleckversion. Now only the Jagdpanther Ausf 1945, which was also announced as early 2010th In 2011, he should finally be ready.
detailed and vivid dioramas presented Trident and Artitec out together on the countless ideas, scenes, and little things reflected. Note on the photo below the tracks of the vehicles im frischen Schnee! Für moderne Dioramen und den Einsatz der MRAP Fahrzeuge sind zwei neue arabische Ruinen mit sehr realistischer Gestaltung in Planung.

Viele Herpa Minitanks Neuheiten suchten wir leider vergeblich. Doch so wurde bekannt gegeben, dass zahlreiche alte Minitanks wieder aufgelegt werden und weiterhin die Versorgungslage verbessert wird. Als wahre Neuheit möchten wir nun kein Modell deklarieren. In den Verkauf kommen der Mercedes Benz Zetros, ZIL 3-achs LKW, GAZ 69, die Wölfe wird es bald wieder geben sowie der Magirus Flugfeldtankwagen.
non remained a long test of Herpa airbrush. As a "plug & play" and is now manufactured entirely of metal is available in this improved version. After an engine housing, we have missed a great Flecktarnanstrich in red and blue, we found out about the very easy operation of the gun. Certainly it is not paint the first choice for accurate camouflage, but for aging or painting of vehicles and optimally suited for beginners.

In Preiser us deflected but the ladies present first on the planned new products. Here are numerous announced projects that will eventually be realized .... Specifically, for 2011, some character sets are provided:
German Infantry 1944-45 (top), army dispatch rider with trailer (below) and as the Soviet Union (not pictured)

German infantrymen in battle (above). The other side of the USSR with a heavy gun is also in preparation, set against Cavalry of the Wehrmacht (below)

crew to 8.8 cm Flak

American soldiers 60 and 70 years in his dress uniform ( above), be-established infantrymen of the USSR (below) and the military for the SdKfz 11 and other (not pictured)

In ADP presented new car from the 30s, who found later use in the Army, as the Wanderer W23. These will be offered as kits and finished models so you can make your move befitting officers. For Russia's generals are here also an appropriate vehicle. was

Many new there this year at Artmaster to not marvel at. In addition to the complete series on 3 ton truck of the Wehrmacht in all possible variants, it also Artitecs type VII C and with finely crafted and combined with each other's walls and bunkers for the construction of docks and U-boat bunkers. To match this, another very good figures of the Navy. The range of labels will continue to expand and match the type VII C shows the set of U-boat labels.
80.263: Feuerleitbunker

Even with Hauler there was for the friends of the historical model building to see yet another highlight. It is very finely textured lightweight trailer 472 of the Wehrmacht, completely made of photo-etched parts.

course It was also to be seen in countless other standards and to report, but left the rest of us, and restrict ourselves to the scale 1 / 87.
So we thank all the exhibitors at Toy Fair for the hospitality, for the expert discussions, the comprehensive information and the pleasant atmosphere.
Your Daniel Höhn


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