Sunday, January 27, 2008

Knightsburg Collection


the moment we have to ventilate the house to dry the screed.

The first day it was like a sauna. Meanwhile, the moisture is no longer as high.

What else is new:
Stadtwerke were there and have electricity, water and telephone set.

Now we have the current in the meter box be placed, as well as electricity and water meter installed Tough. The water meter shall not be brought if the bill is paid. And this bill is peppered up! (Monopoly)

The screed is already polished. In any event, at the places where our tiler lays the tiles. We have two pallets hauled tiles in the basement.
the tile like our house, incidentally, very good.

Next steps:
This week will be filled.
It must be lifted.
We are planning a crossing step. This will continue until the road is completely finished, including sidewalk. Only then will we know for sure how high can the stairs. And our
Burrows must prepare the ground to make the garage.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Home Remedy Under Eye Milia

further expansion

The screed is here.
finger house is so right on schedule.
On Monday, that Today is electricity, water and telephone set and should be finished this week. can
be released now have to dry the floor.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hand Gesture With Thumb, Pointer, And Pinkie



The artisans were busy.
The roof is sealed.
The windows are now all in there, and the basement windows.

the bathtub and the shower are already in the right place.

The heater is installed and the electrical system is almost ready. We can even hang some light fittings. Switches are already available and the blinds go by, we can already switch control up and down.

The kitchen was measured on Saturday.

Now we hope that this week, water and power down the house.

Here are some pictures:

Such was the living room just before Christmas From:

Thus, the living room looks now:

This is our heater in the basement:

This is the upstairs bathroom (with bath)