Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snot Like Yellow Discharge Not Pregnant

Loosing Verginityvedio

Granny blanket! Thanks

... it is finished! And I can not even see enough!
But honestly, I could immediately start a new ... makes it addictive?


So many questions were posed to me and I will now answer all:

first Do you have a manual ?

I had a year ago also keine Ahnung von Grannys und habe beim Stöbern eine Anleitung bei wollixundstoffix gefunden, an die ich mich heute noch halte.

2. Wie groß ist die Decke?

176 Grannys + Stäbchenkante = 1,40 m x 2,15 m

3. Wie schwer ist die Decke?

ca. 2 Kilo

4th What yarn you used ?

This time only Cotton - Cotton of quick Gründl .

5th How much yarn have you used?
  • gray: 4 balls
  • Purple: 4 balls
  • Pink: 8 ball
  • natural white 8 ball
  • white: 17 balls
(41 balls)

6th How long you needed?

I started at 05:10:10 - watch here -. Had but in between many other projects (including still, for the Christmas market, etc.), so I have not crocheted for the ceiling.

7th Is not boring, always the same Granny crochet pattern?

Nope. I found it relaxing because I think not much had to - especially not after the compiling the Grannys.

8th Do you have the threads always sewn ?

Yes! And I can only recommend. I've always sewn at the latest 10 Grannys everything.

9th How do you merge the Granny?

I crochet them together with chaining.


Have a nice Sunday and a wonderful start of the week!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Deathwatch Robb White By Chapter

Swaantje ...

... my dear colleague (& silent reader) found the following book & gave it to me ... I'm sooo looking forward!

If it can not be seen properly, it should be a fruit tarts with strawberries, grapes, kiwi, orange & raspberry o)

This is the template:

called the book "The little knitting Drink"

... and therefore I have again a lot before, o)

Thank Swaantje - as amazed colleagues, how much you've taken my taste, or o) ?

Have a great weekend all!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Much Would Making A Mini Sandrail Cost

One can not choose yes ...

... but if ... I would like to look please so ...

Audrey Tautou ...
yesterday there was again a magical movie with her on TV ...


... if I choose then at least likely, as I will later look like this, then know as:

Die Bilder stammen von der wunderschönen Seite .

Es handelt sich um ein schwedisches Modell, das ich unglaublich toll finde - die Strick - und Fell -Sachen, die dort verkauft werden übrigens auch....

Naja, und wenn ich später auch nicht so aussehen darf, dann hätte ich wenigstens gerne die Fellweste ...

Geht es Euch auch so? Dass Ihr so 'versponnene' Wünsche habt?
Habt einen schönen Tag!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Get Rid Of Green Shaving Skin

miscalculated something ...

... habe ich mich nicht bei Juliane . Ich sah bei ihr dieses Schildchen und nun ist es meines!!!

Ich bin ja nicht quite as Easter decorations for , so I enjoyed this elegant finishing on Easter all the more ...

Thank you, dear Julia, the scutellum is so beautiful!


Ne, something I have misjudged the finish of the Granny Blanket ... so ... but unfortunately there are no pictures of the finished ceiling, because they do not is ready!

But it makes me so fun and I look forward to more happy Häkelstunden ...


between we also still renovate the guest rooms ...

Do you know that? Sooo much to do and sooo little time?

I wish a nice week start!

PS: I just wanted to thank for all the lovely comments that you write about so much more. Also it makes me happy! Therefore, these flowers for you ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why Is My Pinky Swollen

Grannys ...

Hello everyone,

first of many, many Thanks for all the suggestions iS TV in the bedroom!

The idea of Verena I was brilliant: a mini-screen . Unfortunately, the TV (still) quite large, but at some point may come a flatter and then ..... BUT the TV is because I wants, then! hihi.


When I phoned yesterday Anja , we came to the topic " crochet / crochet hooks / storage". As I told in my wool, crochet hook, etc. for the Granny blanket store ...

and this time I show it too you :

The inspiration for this Granny blanket I've by Emmeline blog.

the ceiling has already shown more often and every time my heart beat higher ... Now I've been to the 05.10. here ....
but there are only 13 Granny & the Together Crochet!!

I make (to not to get confused) is always 10's Packet.

The threads are always busy sewing, because I've done it once is not equal and have been annoyed at the end right ... this need not be so: o)

Speaking : I had several inquiries about the ceiling, which can be seen in the header. I have not crocheted. The photo is from Bloomingville and I like it just as much ...

Here my previous "works":

So, bis bald... ich muss häkeln...
ich wünsche Euch jetzt schon mal ein schönes Wochenende!
