Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ichthyosaurs Were Aquatic Dinosaurs. Fossils

Project 24-inch gun 4 - Part 1

Project 24-inch gun 4 - Part 1: FENRIS

Material: Herpa, Hauler, Preiser, Artmaster, Rai-Ro and homemade

Well, what is the once?

It is always again frightening and fascinating as when a model builder, especially as such in the military sector of the 2nd WK on things - weapons configured encounters that seem to be any logic bar. At least from today's perspective, would hardly anyone get the idea, a weapon, a gun with a caliber of good and happy 24 cm in diameter (standard frozen pizzas have 26 cm) to build, and this gun will be transported by land. Plays all depends, it is a caliber of his time had come for war ships. And to the whole set up and then the crown was the gun carriage, in which that gun was stored, even on the hulls von zwei Tiger-I-Panzern verlastet. Okay, damals war man noch weit von der Fernaufklärung mittels fliegender Kameras entfernt und man baute vermutlich getreu dem Motto "Nicht kleckern, sondern klotzen! "Das aber Straßen und Brücken zu überwinden waren, die ggf. dem Gewicht nicht gewachsen waren, und das es an die Grenzen von Mensch und Material ging (vielmals aber auch weit über beides hinaus), schien eine mehr als untergeordnete Rolle zu spielen – wenn überhaupt. Ganz egal was es auch kosten mochte, Hitlers Wunschträume wurden in vielen Teilen erfüllt. Nicht aber so die Verwirklichung dieser hier im Modell nachgebildeten Kanone, von der es, bis auf ein paar wenige Zeichnungen (deren Authentizität ich to search beyond doubt was able), nothing further is that the builder could be helpful to the side. But the fact is that there actually a prototype of this weapon had been, or at least begun a pattern of this gun, but a bomb attack on the food (and thus also to Krupp, the developer of this weapon) on the night of 25 to 26 July '43 was destroyed. Here, the prototype was so badly damaged, however, that all plans were discarded in this regard. In addition, it was after this latest attack long enough to provide as Krupp arms supplier for several weeks sidelined - not to mention the 512 was dead.
fascinated me when I finally met after prolonged Browse a drawing (a copy from the Spielberger book Panzer Tiger and its varieties), by which I mean basic model designed and built. Any details such as the mechanics of the body lifting on both Tiger chassis, or the support of the carriage by means of hydraulic cylinders, as is the crane for loading the tube with ammunition and propellant charges is freely interpreted. However, I have tried my "24-inch gun 4 basis" of that time actually existing rail frames shooters, and make other large caliber guns as authentic as possible. The first part of this Report is now dedicated to building the rig, the parts of the cradle and the tube / gun itself. In the second part I go then elaborate on the construction and modification of the two used Tiger I Tank. I would like at this point but once again emphasize that this model is designed mostly free. Any failure that would potentially violate physical or chemical laws in a real-world gun of this size - from the standpoint of my model from, I ask simply ignored and I tell you in a separate mail.

The Mount

I started with the construction of the carriage. Since at the sketch that I found on the net, unfortunately, is only a side view, I had to roam my imagination really far to not only the profile of the mount itself, but also their inner life, between the two modes in which the actual weapon is to invent. So getting back into the hardware store around the corner, bought a couple of emergency exit signs and so from home in the hobby room. Similar to the driving cap the Rams Iger, I made first a sturdy cardboard template on the basis of which I recorded the sides of the gun carriage and carrier board with scissors. It was a little back and forth Gerechne necessary to set (estimate on the basis of the mapped Tiger tank quite easily) once the scale of the map clear, and then convert this scale in the preferred 1/87er. But all this is much easier than it might sound like this.

component of the left ...

The four main beams that stick out the front and back of the bent beams of the mount, I have from 6 x 8 mm plastic profiles produced by Evergreen. In addition, in connection with this, a narrow, well above 8 mm wide plastic strips and glued to the bottom section and cut to the same length as this one. With liquid plastic cement (Revell Contacta) and thin strip of plastic sheet (PS, thickness 0.25 mm), I finally shut the carriage up and down. I chose this thin plastic, since it can easily be put on the curved shapes of the mount with glue and quickly with the parts of the sides is in contact. So both carriage parts were dissected, cut and shaped into to become later, also by two bonded according to length (approx. 17 mm) placed pieces of square section with each other. To have even a glimpse of the future of the model Imposanz bekommen, hängte ich die Lafette einmal provisorisch zwischen die ebenfalls schon leicht modifizierten Tiger-Chassis. Was soll ich sagen? Es war schon nett anzuschauen, auch wenn es noch keine Hub-Senk-Mechanik auf den Tigern gab und auch das Geschütz an sich noch nicht existent war ...

... und rechten Lafettenseite

Aus PS-Rundrohr und Doppel-T-Trägern von Rai-Ro wurden sodann die Aufnahmen für die spätere Hubvorrichtung auf den Tiger-Panzern erstellt. Ich verwendete ein Stück PS-Rohr im Durchmesser von 3,3 mm. Im Abstand von gut 41 mm zu den vorderen Enden der Träger, verklebte I just this pipe sections between them. In the area before and after I created it after the glue was allowed to cure a good day, a cross-shaped brace of double-T beams. In addition to the part were the mount, which would later lie behind the tube of the gun, stuck four cross members of I-profile. This would add later, the ground plates, rails, running boards, which were necessary in order to load the gun with small carts. Similarly, a console must be built, which stood on this end of the carriage out. This was later fixed the loading crane can be, with which, similar to the famous railway guns, Ammunition was carried up.

The cross-shaped bracing and upper joint
between the two sides

from 0.15 mm brass sheet, I cut narrow strips 8.5 mm wide well. With a needle, whose tip is slightly rounded, I came from one side of small pits in this sheet. After a while I was in this way, the left and right of the plate, small half-round surveys accomplished; rivets not entirely dissimilar. The sheets I stuck with superglue to the excesses of the upper carriage, from which the carrier extends that would come later to take on the Tigers - even literally.

seen here well the tube between two
crosses taking place in what later the suspension of the
tigers will

could pipe cradle Rückholblock & closure

This first all-dry and harden well, I devoted myself meanwhile the production of the cradle, the block, housed in what was the retrieval tube, and the ground or even closure. These two complex components (bottom piece and pipe retrieval) could actually be realized in only one way - as castings. So, again looked at the hardware store and the material from which I was able to quickly and easily as possible restore the original models. I chose balsa wood.

The two forms for the bottom piece
and retrieval with the pipe still liquid
2-component latex

Back home measurements were taken and converted, created drawings which they then transferred to an appropriately glued Balsaholzblock from which could then arise by emery cloth and file the original model for making a mold. I noticed in the preparation of these two components, even in the fine grinding of the wood surface, this is still so rough, then possibly to imitate the impression of an uneven Gußoberseite. A small flaw that may turn out in this particular case that as an advantage. Now that the original models were made, these with a slightly thicker coat of clear lacquer coated are to be using liquid latex for mold making later easily extracted from it. Later, I filled a mixture of resin (Rai-Ro) in the created forms and could barely an hour later, take the results of my grinding and filing work inspected. I was truly impressed and satisfied with the results thus obtained. Although here and there had to be filed and sanded a little, but by and large, were the so-produced components very well suited for further use. Here and there were still added a few holes and other small items and the inclusion of the tube, as well as for loading of the whole in the bottom piece still appropriate Holes drilled and carefully brought to the round file to the appropriate level. Voila - I am probably the most difficult parts for the model-K4 was created.

And here (from front to rear) & floor units Rückholblock (Resin)
breech & Rückholblock (original model from Blasaholz)
The shape of both components of 2-latex

little willingness to compromise was in the manufacture of the tube itself demanded. Since I have no lathe and otherwise not know anyone to give me in this regard more could have helped. So I oriented myself a little of the guns from the house of Maximilian Kramer ( This gentleman has been building several years railway guns of different nationalities and, as far as I could see this, run the tubes and not conical, but are - cylindrical. This suggests that close, they consist of several parts that simply slide over each other and then glued / were soldered. So I would make my pipe, too. Overall, the barrel of my K4 consists of four different pre-cut brass pipes in diameter (outside) of 4.0 - 5.0 - 6.0 and 7.0 mm. To reduce the diameter at the muzzle at the corresponding diameter of almost 24 cm scale 1 / 87 (2.8 mm), I glued a piece of plastic pipe in the mouth and filed it with a round needle file a little further. Contrary to the drawing, but I have omitted to mention the enormous muzzle brake, as this is my opinion does not really fit into the picture and the overall impression of drift too far into the realm of the imagination can be. After all, it has even two of these guns in the approach already given, if not implemented in the form that I am technically in the process model.
After the glue had joined the slider in Rohrrückholblock could I make it, Drill and to provide further details on this. Kunstsoffrohren in diameters from vrschiedenen I glued together the rear shock absorbers, which connected the pipe above the breech block with the weighing part. Accordingly, shown from the front and the same 0.25 mm round plastic sheet material, the frontal ends of the bumper and its attachments.

retrieval tube & bottom piece with holes drilled already,
and the existing out of a total of 4 brass tubes
gun tube itself

Aus einem mit einem Zahnstocher aufgefüllten Plastikrundstab wurden die Zapfen erstellt, die das Rohr im schwenkbaren Teil der Wiege halten würden. Auch die Befestigung an den Hubzylindern (siehe hierzu auch Bilder der 24-cm-Kanone 3) wurden aus Kunststoffrohren hergestellt. Im Gegensatz zu den Zapfen für die Wiege habe ich diese allerdings nur stramm in den Wiegenblock gesteckt und nicht verklebt. Die vertikalen Hubzylindern, die durch letztere Bauteile führten, wurden ebenfalls aus Messingrohren zusammen gebaut, die aber miteinander verlötet wurden.

Der Rückholblock mit ersten Details

front view. be seen in the background
the same parts described the recording

had now, of course, the record can be built, in which the tube pins and retrieval along with all other parts, could find their place. These parts I made from plastic sheet in the thickness 0.5 and 0.25 mm. To the two parts (side inner and outer side part) to connect to each other, were also correspondingly cut log of visited used square-shaped profile uses. To separate these two components it easier on their stick to place available, I have the side inner parts well 3mm downward cut out longer than the side of panels. The so easily made later guide provides a great help to align the pieces evenly on the carriage can.

Both parts of the recording to pivot the tube
Once completed (above) and semi-finished

about the pivot pin of the Rückholblockes store to be able to have use short pieces of pipe and in accordance with these on the outside produced close (keyword punch) covers to. All the struts on the outside are from the range of profiles of Rai-Ro (Evergreen & Plastrukt) and were fitted with liquid plastic cement on the component.

left and right image, including rams and
handwheels brass

Since, apart from the found sketch, are no detailed drawings of this gun, I addressed me for the purpose of various attachment elevating instruments, hand wheels, etc. for images of rail shooters Enge, respectively, those of 24-inch gun 3, from which the original result should K4 yes. After comparing with said map and pictures of the K3 I thought this approach entirely appropriate, for much can it conclude that the K4 was by and large, a simplified and therefore cheaper version of the K3 - just as provided in the design of the K4 was. For various HP-profiles and using welding wire and brass were so short hand the guiding mechanism including feedback shaft. As hand wheels etched brass parts of Artmaster were used. Similarly, corresponding receptacles, covers and housing on the edges of the lower gun carriage were bonded.

bottom piece and retrieval together with all the details completely
assembled - ready for painting

After a weekend and two days off were developed so two nice to seeing components between which the gun tube could find a place to get it then to unite with the rest of the model. But so far there was still a long way!

Aufnameteile Both the pre-gun
trial basis

periphery of the mount

This brings are mainly the numerous attachments meant to run rings around the mast and the potential for any transport I would like to make removable. On the one hand, this should be the running boards and railing components. Small and especially thin components break apart like always when she is not quite adequate. Secondly, here the two tigers were meant, for these should be in no circumstances be the model but, each one, easy disassembly remain. The latter, I am in full Umfang im zweiten Teil dieses Berichtes eingehen; auf erstgenannte Teile hier und jetzt.

Alle Relings-/Laufstegteile auf einen Blick

Insgesamt versah ich die Lafette mit 28 Bohrungen im Durchmesser von 2mm. In diese Bohrungen wurden kurze passende Rohrenden eingeklebt und diese nach dem Aushärten des Klebers bündig mit der Oberfläche der Lafette abgeschnitten und verschliffen. Ebenfalls wurden 28 Drahtstücke im Durchmesser von 0,5mm abgelängt. Diese Drahtstücke wurden lose in die zuvor eingeklebten Röhrchen gesteckt – aber nicht verklebt. Stattdessen wurden auf those same wires from the thin plastic sheet (0.50 mm) produced glued railing parts. This whole procedure is indeed quite time consuming, but easier in retrospect, the coupling and uncoupling of said components immensely. Likewise, can you also, individually and each other after, stick more details. The components front and rear I definitely wanted to provide a kind of wooden planking. For this purpose I had ordered, also at Rai-Ro, a set of plastic strips. With a brush of liquid adhesive was applied to the components and then stuck a long plank of different pieces. I cut the parts to withstand the rough and narrow margins of the sill parts can. After the glue This was dried residues were easily cut with a sharp cutter and worked briefly with the part of the file.

rear of the mount (already painted)
with the aforementioned holes to include
the catwalks

The sloping steps I have somewhat narrow and not designed their planking along, but right glued - to the same method as described above. In addition, later were still some thin round pieces into place . See However, after the painting. Would have then slip off when entering one of the staff can be prevented.
The railing was made of 0.5 mm and 0.3 creates round-PS. I have arranged the parts with pliers bent and then glued to the bottom of the foot plates of the sill parts. The vertical posts and braces were made of 0.5 mm, the handrails of 0.3 mm PS-round material. After a night in what could cure all splices in peace, I put the four head portions of the parapet, as are the four from the underlying guns-centerpiece, on a cardboard box to then the first parts of the model with color (even if it only primer was) to bear. The angular pieces, those who had received a Querbeplankung were painted entirely by hand with a brush. As a basic note, I used German Grey Model of Color. For the display of the wooden pieces on top of Dark Earth was used 82 by Revell Aqua Color. A small depth effect between the joints to achieve the various piles of these components, Badab Black came from Citadel Washes used. Finally, it was all over again by dry brush with a little ocher 88, ocher or 314 (Revell AC) and a light washing with Devlan Mud (Citadel) is rounded. On completion of this first
stuck painting work I between the supporting posts of this parapet parts one short piece of a chain with a wire diameter of 0.20 mm. While the greater part were given a stable pipe railing, I was going to sit by attaching the chain to these parts a little accent in the overall impression of the model.
they were part of that is built separately finished and painted, they were able to later use the model aside for now and in safety be brought. Each model farmer, who called his own pets know why.

Customizing the walkways (still without rail)

Next, we go on with little embellishments body the carriage. Here and there a few circular access covers were stamped out of thin plastic and attached with a drop of glue (see picture back of the mount, above). I have also represented a kind of controls with folded-down console. Once the model is primed and painted, are painted on the visible part of the console, a few ads and gauges that will continue to keep the monotone of gray paint in German Grey (Color Model) will further loosening.

The 12 hydraulic cylinder for supporting the gun carriage
in firing position

Before I begin to describe the structure of the crane and loading facilities would, I come first to the lowest point of the carriage. In the sketch a kind of support can be seen, possibly by means of hydraulic cylinders. I would like to continue to spin the possibly begun thread at that designers once if I assume that was the very mechanics of several hydraulic plungers designed to reduce the force of recoil when firing the K4 to the effect that where possible, the fixtures between the Tigers and the carriage were not burdened with this enormous power. This would then mean that the holders should be provided on the Tigers at least a partial mechanism for raising and lowering the carriage. A circumstance which I would have to consider when designing my K4 Tiger models.
But first I wanted to do so, to devise an appropriate faux-support guns. I decided to incorporate a uniform down to the open part of the two carriage halves. Since I had no U-profiles more plastic, I was summarily those made of brass to the aid of a 6x6-U-profile, two 85 mm sawn off long ends, the ends sanded clean and both parties then with glue from the bottom of the carriage parts glued. Thus prepared, I could expect to have the rear shock absorbers for a smooth implementation. The latter should in fact, as the shock absorbers at each type is actually o usual, made of round material. Quick Sets and brought some fresh inspiration from images of rail shooters Enge, I already had cut about 7 24 mm long tube with a diameter of 3.5 mm and as many pieces with a diameter of 2 mm. The larger tubes were glued together, each a dozen to a narrow plastic strip of 0.25 mm PS material. A night later came the slender tube, which I now in the 3.5 mm-stub taped and hosted by a steel ruler to the same height. Another trick that helped me with a uniform orientation, was the one I previously attached the plastic strip with a little wood glue on the lid of an old CD and then glued all the tubes one at that. It was guaranteed that the plastic strip, which would later serve as a kind of basis between brass and PS-tube plan, rested, and large pipe ends ever had the same height. This step was done and the adhesive is cured properly, then a primer was in matt black. Later, the "rigid" stamp parts (those in which the actual piston up and would slide down), dry brushed with a bit of Gun Metal Color Model. The movable punch treated with Mithril Silver Citadel.

The supports with the "wooden" floor pieces;
filthy plentiful thanks to oil from Gunze / Sangyo

The support pieces, the parts that at the lower end of the Stamps should be installed and later direct contact with the ground would have the respective firing positions were cut from 0.25 to 0.5 mm plastic sheet pasted over one another and following the Mounted stamps. After sufficient drying time of the adhesive were also these parts are painted. The bottom should also remember a wooden planking. So I proceeded to scratch the plastic with sandpaper and a file to have seen something of a wood grain. Well, probably we would see later, not much of it, but it should be. Then I painted the bottom and top, left and right of the metal mounting of each stamp, in Beige 89 (Revell A.C9, was roughed up a little later and a mixture of 89 and USA Beige Olive Drab Model of Color. For the mix I have left my taste run wild and over again with more diluted or less water. This task was dried, everything was a light washing with Devlan Mud. In the end again with a Washing Badab Black - done. Before
But these separate parts were glued into the mount, they should already lubricated well in advance, or just come along quite oily. So looked in my stash of colors and lo and behold - at the age of Gunze paint set / Sangyo was found but in fact even a tone that was called oil. Since I had already used this set all colors to the contamination of many vehicles, I asked myself why I came not already on this pitch. Well, initially I was somewhat skeptical when I the color opened, and I anschielte an iron gray mixture with a hint of purple - very oily! First, I unscrewed the glass again and shook it again. Perhaps the color was not stirred enough. But again as was the cup to reveal its contents, the result was the same. Well, I carefully took a few drops of the brew on the brush and dab it around on a piece of plastic. The effect was impossible to miss anyway. An oily sheen, gloss, which remained intact even after drying. Wonderful, just what can be used for used Hyraulikstempel. With a brush of size 0 / 3, several drops of different thicknesses in the beweglichen Anbindungen zur hölzernen Abstützung und ebendieser auch aufgetragen und ein wenig verwischt. Das Ergebnis waren unterschiedliche, mehr oder minder starke Ölablagerungen, die hier und da ein paar Laachen hinterlassen hatten. Wunderbare Gebrauchsspuren waren entstanden.

Die "Bühne" der Geschützmannschaft

Kommen wir nun zu dem Teil der Kanone, der wohl der Wichtigste überhaupt ist. Jener, der sich hinter dem Verschlußblock befindet, und über den die Granaten, Treibladungen usw. ins Rohr gelangen. Auch hier wollte ich größtmöglich eine Holzbeplankung darstellen. Ich dachte mir, im Fall der Fälle wäre dies sicherlich günstiger gewesen, als wenn eine der Granaten, so sie denn abgerutscht und zu Boden gegangen wäre, auf blankes Metall aufgeschlagen wäre. Da aber nun der Teil der Wiege und des Verschlußblocks recht weit zur Mitte der Lafette angeordnet sind, mußte ich mir etwas einfallen lassen, um das letzte Stück möglichst sinnvoll, und natürlich auch in Real technisch praktikabel anzuordnen. Ich entschloß mich daher, die komplette Bühne, samt Schienen für den Transportwagen der Geschosse, zu 2/3 aus Holz zu gestalten, das letzte Drittel allerdings mit Hilfe von geätztem Riffelblech (Hauler) darzustellen. Dieser Teil sollte dann, nach Beendigung des Ladevorganges, mittels eines hydraulischen Kolbens um 90-100° nach oben geklappt werden, um dem durch den Rückstoß nach hinten katapultierten Verschluß somit nicht mehr im Wege zu sein. Nach Schußabgabe wurde dann alles wieder in die Horizontale gebracht und das Beladen konnte von vorn beginnen. Also dann – ran an die Arbeit.
Erneut wurden mehrere unterschiedlich breite PS-Streifen von Rai-Ro herangezogen, auf die entsprechende Länge zugeschnitten und aneinander geklebt. Um die beiden nebeneinander angeordneten Schienen darzustellen, griff ich ebenfalls sauf dünne Streifen PS aus demselben Sortiment zurück, dieses Mal allerdings in einer Stärke von ca. 0,3 x 0,3mm. Diese beiden Streifen were at a distance of 6mm each other well adhered to the "planks, and I forward (toward the gun) and did well at the end of each 5mm free. The thing should apply to the cultivation of a small loading crane into place. On the other hand should be placed on the closure of the side facing the corrugated sheet metal cut to size with a little glue. Also on the latter later, two more strips 0.3 x 0.3 mm HP would be stuck. But first, I devoted myself to the cultivation of the crane.
This arose from various round-and I-beams that have been glued together, created a sound device in which the crane was able to find his place. Because in the military Area on a good appearance does not arrive, and this weapon so despite scanty material should be able to quickly and easily build, I have also made no great cover on the I-beam construction. Only the small piece of corrugated sheet metal to serve the visual upgrade, and give the team when operating the crane a little more sure-footed. Then, after the curing of the adhesive easily painted by German White Model Color and later dry brushed with neutral gray of the same manufacturer. In a simple but quite vividly so solid platform was formed, which can hold the crane later his place would. This was roughly in two different sizes I-Profilen zugeschnitten und verklebt. Das kleine Podest, auf dem der Vertikalträger seinen Platz findet, wurde zusätzlich noch mit einer kleinen Reling versehen, welche auch den Zweck des Herumschwenkens von Hand durch die Bedienung erlauben und vereinfachen sollte. Aus einigen Resten PS-Streifen und Rundmaterial, sowie einer Kupferdrahtlitze und einem Stück Klingeldraht entstanden dann noch Umlenkrollen, Zugseil, Haken und Winde. Alles wurde so angebracht, das es von Hand leicht zu erreichen und bedienen war. Fix und fertig verklebt wurde auch dieses Bauteil in German Grey bemalt und mit Neutral Grau aufgehellt.

Der Ladekran entstand aus I-Profilen, Plastikresten
und Kupferdraht

Der direkt hinter dem Verschlußblock liegende, beweglich angedeutete Teil des Podestes entstand, wie bereits erwähnt, aus feinem Messingriffelblech von Hauler. Dieses Ätzteil lässt sich leicht mit einer Schere in die Gewünschte Form schneiden und mittels Sekundenkleber befestigen. Da an meiner K4 dieser Teil während des Ladens als in abgeklapptem Zustand zu sehen sein sollte, konnte ich auf eine Beweglichmachung gänzlich verzichten – Kleber frei!. Zwecks Stabilität erhielt das Blech von unten her noch eine Versteifung aus I-Profilen. Auch die Abstützung unterhalb des Bleches entstand aus I-Profilen, die mittels »Sattelblechen« am inneren Teil der Lafette eingeklebt wurden.
Brauchten wir also zu guter Letzt nur noch eine plausible Möglichkeit, diese metallene »Miniaturzugbrücke« auf und ab schwenken zu können, respektive den Eindruck zu erwecken, das man es eigentlich könne. Also baute ich noch einen kleinen Hydraulikzylinder samt Anschlußleitungen und Anbindung an die Klappe. Letztere wurden einfach aus dünnem Kunststoff-Rundprofil erstellt und am Hauptkörper des Zylinders verklebt. Nach der Bemalung in Citadel´s Chainmail (beweglicher Teil) und Maschinengrau von Gunze/Sangyo (Rigid part), were both still eingesaut with the already mentioned "oil" from Gunze. Another maintenance cover draped behind the cylinder - that's it!

This is the first blow - or even part of the report on the Scratchbau my Fenris baptized his 24-inch gun 4. In the next part I will focus on the construction or reconstruction of the two handsets as two Tiger I chassis. The third and final part will then deal with the detail painting, aging and weathering of the fully assembled model

Norman Bushman 12-2010


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