Sunday, January 2, 2011

Questions On Basics In Financial Management

Project 24-inch gun 4 - Part 2

Project 24-inch gun 4 - Part 2: "TI and T II"

In the second part
of the report, I would now like the two "load donkeys" to dedicate this very ordinary model - the Tiger I chassis. How to read the book Panzer Tiger Spielberger and its varieties, this should be two Tiger chassis, which would be taken from current production. That the gun itself, at least the two prototypes made (probably without mast) as in the first part mentioned earlier, a bomb attack claimed the lives, I decided to run for the Tigers those of the subsequent lots. The thinking on my part was to the effect that it would certainly have abandoned these models with the concave, rubber-coated rollers (Lot 1 and 2). But in view the fact that such a weapon must be tested before they come to the troupe, brought me to the resolution, which would have certainly taken a while before she would have been really mature. Thus, it also changes the Tigers would have been obvious that it even made from raw material shortages also imperative to manufacture chassis with simplified steel rollers.

The two Herpa models already
sealed tower openings
The basis for this I chose the Tigers from Herpa. The sind schon ordentlich vormontiert, verfügen stets über sehr viele zusätzliche Kleinteile und lassen sich dennoch immer wieder sehr nett verfeinern. Um diese beiden Modele weiter aufzuwerten, wurden alle zwei mit Ätzteilen von Hauler (HLR-87056) ergänzt. Da aber beide Modelle auf ihren Turm verzichten müssen und ich zudem noch am Heck (Lüftergitter) weitere Veränderungen vornehmen wollte, wurden nicht alle Teile des Satzes verwendet. Auch kamen einige der Teile anders zum Einsatz, als von Hauler gedacht – nicht nur die Not macht manchmal erfinderisch, auch die Phantasie!

Eigentlich für die Roco-Tiger gedacht, can
the Hauler parts but also with some skill on the
Herpa etc. Mount

The mentioned changes in the upper fan grills;
small plastic parts that are previously glued

For PE set of Hauler I can only say that this wonderful and even can be processed. At the connection points to the support frame after cutting out only minimal debris should be removed. Especially in the case of the tiger, it is the Auspufblenden who doubt me something ließen. Aber die sind so gut gemacht, das sie sich schon beinahe vom bloßen Hinschauen runden lassen. Auch die Halterungen für diese Bauteile lassen sich mit wenigen Handgriffen zurecht biegen und dank vorhandener Markierung mit den Blenden verkleben. Da das Material sehr dünn ist (ich weiß nicht, ob es maßstäblich der Blechstärke des Originalteils entspricht – stört mich aber auch nicht weiter!), ist es quasi dafür prädestiniert, mit Beulen und dergleichen versehen zu werden. Ich habe diese jedoch auf ein paar Dellen an den vorderen Kettenabdeckungen beschränkt. Schließlich hätten es ja frische Fahrzeuge sein sollen. Insgesamt wurden die Teile für die Auspuffblenden, die vorderen Kettenabdeckungen, which provided for the African version checker plates (would also mounted on the front mudguards have been, but were used elsewhere), and installed the upper lid of the Asupufftöpfe itself from the pack.

The exhaust tips can be best with
fix super glue gel, if this
plotting later in the exhaust and Belnde

The etched parts of hauler to handle wonderfully
can and can be processed without complications

disarmed - the Tiger I no turret and main gun

The chassis itself was then disarmed only once so far, as required by the redevelopment. This means that was taken off all additional parts that were already there and also incorporated the tower in the spare parts box. The opening for the latter was then a round cut and swept piece of plastic sheet in the closed diameter of 29 mm. In the middle I drilled a small hole, which should be enlarged in due course. Once the device for raising and lowering the gun on the hull would find a place. The next step was then called "oil collar" assembled by me. This consists of a thin piece of plastic that I'm stuck in a gentle arc between the fan (the cover between the driver and radio operator Luke) and the just-mentioned tower closure. The idea on my part was that the closure, on the jack slips later, in principle work as a semi-trailer would have. Ergo, it would be between two share increased friction come, which would in turn reduce to a thick coating of grease. To prevent well, that if possible no fat in the above-mentioned hatches, penetrates fan etc., was devised that collar from me.

Here the mention "oil collar", left front, ran right to
to painting and aging

The other considerations as meaning the possible objects of the crew of the K4 back and forth would be towed, could possibly fall down. It would also be conceivable for the setting up and downsize would have the mount on the Tigers, the crew a safe passage. So small plastic pieces were glued into the corners of the larger Lüftergrätings. Later, after priming, these two gratings would receive special treatment. A certain ages must already go before the actual aging of the entire vehicle CARRIED. The reason was this, I would, following this work two appropriately tailored pieces of plastic glued to said corner pieces. So I would suggest a makeshift steel plates mounted for said purposes, which would provide its elevated mounting yet adequate ventilation of the engine.

Zimmerit on the left flank of the Tiger

Next, I donated a two tigers Zimmeritanstrich. As I wrote in my blog already mentioned, I proceed in this regard as follows with the aid of these "ingredients":

-Tesa masking tape (the one with the fine, bright surface)
-a very sharp knife (Cutter, better, a scalpel)
steel ruler

with a narrow strip of masking tape, I have pasted the flanks of the tiger and pressed the tape with the steel ruler laid on the surface. With a scalpel (Cutter goes, I prefer but because of the flexibility of a scalpel blade), then the protruding edges are removed carefully. This is a great advantage, which show the Herpa models of the Tiger in the late versions no longer impressed steel cables on the sides of the upper hull. This one would otherwise grind beforehand. A little tact and perseverance is required on the front of the armored upper hull. Here it is the rider's head, the bracket (hole) for the centrally located light, and cut out the MG-panel carefully. Here again, a sharp scalpel blade very beneficial. After I made the whole thing twice, was the front chain cover with a feinen Säge heraus geschnitten werden. Wie eingangs erwähnt, wurden diese durch solche aus geätztem Messing von Hauler ersetzt.

Im Vergleich:
links ohne, rechts mit "Zimmerit"

Die Front der Unterwanne habe ich frei von Zimmerit, respektive Klebeband gelassen. Dort würde später, zumindest bei einem Fahrzeug, die Halterung für Reservekettenglieder ihren Platz finden. Sodann, wenn wir diesen Schritt beendet haben, kommt das etwas kniffeligere an der Geschichte. Nun soll die charakteristische Riffelung des Zimmerit angedeutet werden. Auch hier ist ein little willingness to compromise are needed, because basically that's what now follows, creating a negative Zimmerit. During appear raised in the original coating, the vertical pattern, I interpret this as my method of fine lines / wells - cuts from the top down - to. The same is true of the horizontal surveys, which are indicated by means of fine cuts. This may approve the One, the other other hand, is likely to turn away and look for a more appropriate method of standing outside. So be it. I think this method it is always worth mentioned and applied, especially since the result can be seen after appropriate paint quite can. Finally, our Zimmerit is also provided with 1-2 layers of matte clear coat (or Vallejo Microscale Industries) to prevent a partial detachment of the cut tape. Occasionally, this effect can also be very desirable. For example, if you want to simulate such a prepared vehicle battle damage or other signs of wear.

Notice the side markers, right and left
over the driving wheels

As a further addition in the course of adaptation to the new role of these vehicles, the installation of side markers . Represent This would certainly have been very useful if it were trying to maneuver the gun in the right position, respectively, with the state to do so in verlastetem at all. Of thin brass wire (0.4 mm), I turned so she prepared a fine rod that was stuck in two small holes between the front tray and chain cover. With a drop of glue that was applied gently with a toothpick, I created the typical for these rods balls.
Let's go on with the hatches for the driver and radio operator. Am I glued the leading vehicle in the driver closed the other hand, the radio operator in the open position. When the trailing vehicle I wanted both hatches as an open display. So, once again rolled literature and I got ideas for the design of the hatch inside pages. Dominant here on numerous images was the construction of the periscope. Accordingly thick PS material (about 0.50 mm), I cut small pieces. With the file they were at the lower end of tapered a little. Above, this was of limited needs, for here they would be stuck in the deepening of the existing hatch. On a piece of styrofoam I fixed the three hatches using wood glue, the glue was dry. Later on the inside then received a coat of matt white (Revell AC 05). With a bit of neutral density of Vallejo was a bit aged (dry brush), ehe auf dieselbe Weise mit ein wenig Mithril Silver von Citadel für abgewetzte Farbe gesorgt wurde.

Die geöffnete Funkerluke mit
Darstellung des Winkelspiegels

Am Heck kann eigentlich alles so belassen werden, wie es vorgesehen ist. Die Anlasserkurbel, die unten in der Mitte an der Wanne befestigt wird, kann nach dem Lackieren an eben dieser Stelle montiert werden. Rechts oberhalb der Kettenabdeckung findet der Wagenheber seinen Platz, an der linken Seite in etwa der selben Höhe der für diesen vorgesehene Unterlegklotz aus Holz, sowie ein C-Haken. Haken und Wagenheber wurden in Eisen 91 bemalt und nach dem Trocknen Devlan with Mud (Citadel) slightly a little weathered. The narrow intimations of the fortifications, both on the siphon, as were on the hook, with German Grey (Vallejo) and connect it painted in a neutral gray of the same manufacturer dry painted.
Overall, the model was able to almost draped over a box and be ready for priming. The aforementioned small parts were of course only after this step, and cultivated, of course, even after applying the base color. The tone in which I've painted this model, however, ultimately, is detailed in the third and final part of the report mentioned. It is therefore more exciting.

Up and down - The Hub-/Senkmechanik - or the Tiger's new tower

If we could now be about the racks by means of which raised the total protected, or sold. As the beginning of the first part noted, these are pure speculation. To what extent it would have been really realize the way I imagine, is another question. However, I've driven in similar structures, it has fully met. As the keyword here being loaded on two special wagons Mortar KARL, or device 040 (with 60 cm tube) were, or device 041 (with 54 cm tube) called. An old Hasegawa model in 1 / 72 did me in this respect really well. At first, I even toyed with the idea to separate the two lifts from their mounts and use slightly modified for the K4 project. But I rejected this idea, which it so much effort would have required that a new building would have gone much quicker and simpler. And it did.
from 0.5mm plastic material was glued together a cross-shaped structure, which in turn was on a round "plate" made up of the same material the same thickness. In the middle of this "plate" which would later constitute the slider on the above Turmlochabdeckund of the Tiger, I glued a small piece Rohr von ca. 3,5 mm Durchmesser. Dieser Zapfen ragt später durch ein mittig gebohrtes Loch im Tiger-Modell.

Die beiden Hub-/Senkvorrichtungen
im Rohbau von vorn und von hinten

Die Zylinder, zum heben und Senken des Geschützes, entstanden aus Röhren von 3.5 und 5 mm Durchmesser, die ineinander gesteckt und verklebt wurden. Nachdem diese auf der Kreuz-Konstruktion ihren Platz gefunden hatten, wurden sie mittels eines I-Profils verbunden. Am oberen Ende, dem beweglichen Teil des Zylinders, klebte ich ein Stück PS-Vollmaterial im Durchmesser von knapp 2 mm. Auf diese s.g. Anlenkstücke kam ein weiteres I-Profil. In der Mitte dieses Profils wurde dann eine trapezförmige Auflage geklebt, die aus PS-Profilen und Sheetresten besteht. Ein halbes PS-Rohr findet zu guter Letzt seinen Platz darauf. In diesem würden die im 1. Teil dieses Berichtes erwähnten Rundrohre der Lafette eingerastet werden. So ist garantiert, das alles an seinem angestammten Platz bleibt.
Um dem Ganzen noch rein optisch ein wenig »Pepp« zu verpassen, habe ich rings um die Zylinder insgesamt acht kleine Dreiecke, Knotenbleche für zusätzliche Stabilität, angebracht. Diese entstanden aus 0,25 mm Plastiksheet. Desweiteren wurden noch Schraubenköpfe oberhalb der Anlenkungen und des Verbindungsstückes zur Lafette aufgeklebt. Diese entstanden from a piece of PS-hexagonal material, which was set with a drop of liquid glue into place.

And with control valve from the front

Now only thing missing is the pipelines to fill the cylinders with oil and move up and down. These were made of thin copper wire bent into and attached with superglue. Ultimately, then missed a couple of massive valves in order to serve the whole Schose also can. So again geschmökert a bit of relevant literature and the Hasegawa-component once eyed a little closer. On the side facing the rear of the vehicle was a kind of control valve of round material, glued, was placed at its front wheel, a hand-etched brass from Artmaster . On the opposite side was a kind of controller with different fittings and display its place .. These were painted by hand, which on closer inspection certainly something grossly out of true and especially appears. But you know, the end justifies the means. From round bar stock and a piece of copper wire was a dial gauge, which was left stuck in a small hole in the faucet body. To paint the hydraulics but better (see Part 3 of this article), the valve was stuck cube separately and after the first painting in its place.

Probeweiser auf einem der Tiger

Sicherlich hätte es einer ordentlichen Einweisung bedurft, um das komplette Geschütz mittels der beiden Tiger an seinen Platz manövrieren zu können. Um dies Aufgabe für den Einweiser einfacher zu gestalten, erhielten beide Hub/Senkgestelle jeweils links und rechts der Zylinder kleine Tafeln, auf denen eine Römische »I«, bzw. »II« aufgebracht wurde. Hierzu wurden Decals von TL verwendet.

Die hydraulische Hubvorrichtung, bereits bemalt
und gealtert und mit "Nummernschild"

This would then also with everything that was needs to rebuild the two tigers in accordance with the model. While this report was a little shorter than the previous one, but this was because it is not just any only a complete DIY of those vehicles. The construction of the two lifting frame takes even a lot of time and effort, but he was quickly brought to the stage when the construction of the mount itself
In the last part of our report, I will explicitly to the final detailing, or painting and aging the complete model in detail. It therefore remains exciting ...

As an additional appetizer on the 3rd Part
and convey an impression of the finished model

Norman Bushman 01-2011


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